... When they all stay in the 1/2 inch square 💪 ... 16" PredatOBR, 5.56, 💯 yards, 77 gr FGMM, me on the MBT trigger 🎯 ML
435 likesfireman4180 Nice
agw_fl Is this one from an August 2020 order?
  -  laruetactical @agw_fl ... It was ordered by a Texas customer. 🤷 3 likes
agw_fl Damn, I'm a Floridian.... But I know the one I get will be a shooter like all my other @laruetactical
peter.noowin Is it an addiction if I've ordered three LaRue rifles in a span of one month?
theflyinghouse You're using one of the single stage units, then?
jdg0707 Nice can't wait for my 14.5"
patrick.a.johnson314 I love when they stitch together!!
brittzter13 Must be mine then!!
tacwerx I wish we could get a 6mm arc from y'all !
philipwith1l Are you shooting from a bag for these tests, or a bipod or something? I would be interested in some pics of your testing range.