Got a customer rifle back, notes said it was "shot out". I shot it, and no, it ain't a benchrest rifle, but it groups decent enough. Dunno. ML
583 likesj._anthonyk Damn, I'll take it off your hands💥💥💥💥💥
josh.macintyre 🙌
renotsttam Looks like a case of blaming a lack of talent on the equipment. 8 likes
thiswildadventure Wot in tarnation
timmy_tomahawk 😂😂😂
bulletdurbin It's pretty hard to shoot a .308 out. 3 likes
  -  fenton1441 @bulletdurbin fact.
spectrebravo Operator error..
jkub81 My lower shows it was delivered today, can't wait to switch it out to the mk12!!!
r_g_95 Panic buyer 2 likes
tjmango Most people can't accept that they just can't shoot 4 likes
4rbrandt 🤡
iceman_wulf Haterd will say it was point blank
forwardobservations Arrow, not the Indian...
pyro1.3gun The good ole 168 Federal Gold Medal Match test, if it doesn't shoot well with that then there probably is an issue. 1 like
  -  samuel.culper_sr @pyro1.3gun that stuff is far from match grade. My Remington 700 tactical hated it! Yet hand loads produced 10 shot groups in .617" range
  -  pyro1.3gun @bubbkill I said "probably", it's not for everyone one, but it is a good litmus test. There is a reason that load has been around and in use since at least the mid 80's as Federal Match in a red box before it became Gold Medal Match. It is a common staple for a lot of police snipers, military competitive shooting teams, 3 Gun Heavy Metal Division shooters etc. to name a few.
  -  samuel.culper_sr @pyro1.3gun I understand. It's just not worth what they charge for it in my opinion.
jfpvh Not bad for a 14.5 he hasn't tried different brands of 308 or even different bullet Weight or even try his hand at reloading could make a difference. 🤷 u s u s ☕☕ 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @jfpvh ... Pressed for time, I did take must of the parallax out, making sure the horizontal crosshair wasn't multiples. 🤓 6 likes
grommettaz @laruetactical out of curiosity how much is it to replace a 'shot out' barrel on an 18"OBR? I have over 8K through it and sending a few hundred down the pipe every month so it may be coming due soon? Still about a 1/2 moa gun though. 2 likes
  -  41whiskey @grommettaz the tobr 14.5 .308 I shot at Accuracy First had over 15,000 rounds through it with Surefire suppressor and I wasn't allowed to clean the barrel while I shot my 1,000 ish rounds through it. Was still shooting sub-Moa. That's what made me order mine. Todd was putting it through the ringer. I was only allowed to wipe down and oil the BCG
  -  grommettaz @41whiskey thanks- not too many people can provide that kind of info 1 like
everydaypeoplesigp365 Can I buy your 'shot out' rifles 😂 2 likes
kodiak_precision WOW, obviously it the guy behind the trigger. Could have been he was shooting poor quality Ammo. But that's a shooter!
mac_daddy62 Aww he's probably jerking his trigger finger...😚
7.62stu Tell the customer its "a loose nut behind the buttstock" 13 likes
  -  laruetactical @7.62stu ... 🤓 3 likes
  -  bulletdurbin @7.62stu Or the jerk behind the trigger...lol!
bcarley204 It's probably because it lacks an MBT trigger!
phil.thompson.140 👍