... A little help - you guys remember what color our 2008 Christmas dillo was ? ML
747 likestreylillich I saw your billboard on hwy 6 between Navasota and Hempstead! 2 likes
- laruetactical @treylillich ... Hey ! Is it easy to see ?!?!
- treylillich @laruetactical I think so. It really took me by suprise!
- laruetactical @treylillich ... I'm trying to give them Aggies Christmas ideas 🔥 9 likes
- treylillich @laruetactical giggem! I live in Iola and this IS Aggie country!
- treylillich @laruetactical I will do my best to get a picture of it the next time I go by it
- kameronallison @laruetactical gig em!
jasonk7474 Green
jesslarude I might have it lemme go look
pcerami Green
ttyner1212 green
ryantheman33 Green
jdelabay The Dillo dust, opener and the rest of the goodies were such an awesome surprise! 1 like
maxaspecter Purple 1 like
pewpewvette Let me go look lol
mig5569mm Green
instructorbrian Thought that was the one I had but nope. I only have the 2009 was a wonderful surprise the year I got it since I hadn't become a customer yet.
bcarley204 Greenish anodizing
wy.doc.holliday Can I please bid on this collection?? Perhaps... a collection of SHOT dillos??? 1 like
j.stephenbrown I used to have the whole set... Gave it away to a duck. Otherwise I would tell you lol!
- duckhnt @j.stephenbrown and the duck still loves each and every Dillo. 1 like
- j.stephenbrown @duckhnt so what color is 2008?😎
- duckhnt @j.stephenbrown green. There are 2 different shades, but green. 1 like
- michael_s.kline @j.stephenbrown Last one that I need to complete my collection@
pierced_armor It was green
thetylermartinez Mine were dark green. Almost the way the blue ones look in the picture. Still have a few of the 07s laying around too 1 like
- duckhnt @thetylermartinez we need to talk about those 07's!!
- kevinmichael_67 @thetylermartinez I could use one
- kameronallison @thetylermartinez interested in a swap or sale let me know
surfing_thru Might have a few of those laying around
ahaley1775 Both 08 and 09 were 2 different shades iirc. Green(s) & Purple(s).
spoonmann8 Don't remember for sure. But I do remember getting several over the years after my first purchase with you, even though I hadn't made any subsequent purchases for quite awhile. Always respected you for doing that. Customer service rating is off the charts! Much love and respect for LaRue!👍🏽
samuel.culper_sr I haven't received one in years. I'm pretty sure I'm still on the mailing list. Haven't bought anything in along time though cause my other stuff hasn't broken or worn out🤷 1 like
michael_s.kline Need to find a 2007 Holiday Dillo and my herd will be complete!😁 1 like
terryccason I've always called it real green, to differentiate it from all the other shades green of dillos.
terryccason Phone changed teal to teal.
gavltron I'll have to get it out of my tuck but I think purple
mrdrewchandler Green. There were two shades, forest and mint. 5 likes
- gunream @mrdrewchandler 👍
- jjfitter6176 @mrdrewchandler I was thinking forrest green as well
def3va What Drew said.
dave1.502 Dark green
abellbrian Purple. Mine was purple I believe
- abellbrian @abellbrian never mind, purple was 09. Green was 08
kameronallison Dark green
kameronallison 07 is the only one missing from my collection. Feels like unicorn hunting
notgeffbezos It was a really light blue if I remember correctly. It's been a while tho