BREAKING NEWS !!! Our Black LaRue CNC-Machined Billet Lowers are available to the masses beginning at 5pm today, May 1st, 2020 !!! If you have a LaRue Stealth upper, and have always wanted to slap it on a LaRue Billet Lower, now is the time.
If you have a Brand XYZ lower, and want to pitch it's lower in the closet and slap that XYZ Upper onto a LaRue Billet Lower, now's your chance.
If you follow me on Instagram, then you know we have an absolutely fabulous CNC machine cell running 40 lowers per day, 5 days per week.
Step right up and place your order. Our backorders are behind us and we have amassed a few hundred of each * 5.56 & 7.62. If you guys burn through the inventory we have on our shelves with alacrity, then know we make 40 per day without fail and will get you yours shortly.
Thanks a trillion for putting up with us for all these years. Our motto of "Affordable Overkill" often puts us behind and damn the luck, precision has it's own not-to-exceed speed.
Mark LaRue
1,494 likesgunream Dammit no more UU 7.62 Kits that fit the DPMS Gen 1 lower!?!?! 😥
hashwill76 Waiting for the triggers to be back in stock
charliesclones Sounds good 👌
leroyrocket Perfect timing on the ramp up! if someone was going to include one of your uppers with lower in a 5 gun comparison filmed shoot Stealth or DMR?
mcleod10369 Can't find it on the website 1 like
catsncartridges Do I need this for my 338 Spectre build?😲 1 like
  -  laruetactical @catsncartridges ... I like & admire the 338 Spectre. If ya gotta go slow, then you oughta go heavy. 1 like
vincenzo_713 @khal_scarbrough 🔥
almostdrdre @laruetactical are these marked 5.56 or multi? Thanks, Love my ptar! 1 like
guns_n_liquor Any chance of selling OBR/PredatOBR uppers alone?
mikenotgonnagetit @laruetactical are yall not sending Dillos or Dillo Dust with orders anymore?
cnp325 Just ordered one 🤙 #Stealth
colormesouthern Bless
bigjoncardell @scott40cal you were right
natj417 Ordered @laruetactical
2010greer 🍾💪
icecoldmn Picked three up for shits and giggles. Three new pistol builds in motion
cteaguetx What's the wait time on Uu Kits now?
garrett.j.b Ordered one for for my 15 and another for my 10!
abu_amiri @laruetactical I'm downrange but the wife just took delivery of a dpms-compatible 6.5 upper. Any options to return it and pay any difference to get it for one compatible with your lowers?
brandondavison Ok so is there a chance for Larue to sell a bcg separately? I know they say milspec but seems some bolts run better in different barrel extensions bc no 1 manufacture are the same, unless they are buying and rebranding.
_eddievega How can I look into purchasing one of these?
_kms1_ @laruetactical why no M4 feed ramps on the stripped stealth uppers? I'm trying to make sense of it.
robthesherpa Are you going to offer .308 UU's in FDE again?
drederick_tatum I don't see a lower section on your website how do go about getting this beauty?
sdozer03 Can't find it on the website
bretmail I love this more than my wife after a couple vodka drinks 😜u s 👍🏻 1 like
dingodog1272 You are like Henry Ford. You can have a lower in any color you want as long as it is black! Good stuff glad to see them for sale.
tngunmaster Thanks guys... Two lowers our inbound to the great state of Tennessee... Plus one on the parts kit to go with the lowers
svargas41 Two less now 😁😜
slappomatt I already gots one
jb__hunt Well...late to the party ordered a pair and another ultimate upper. Same FFL as my big block earlier in the week. We shall see.
realmda13 @laruetactical if our ffl is closed by executive order, can we get our order in if it's the one on file? Shipped out after the closure is lifted?
trailer_park_ginger Oh lord, take my money 😂
mikenotgonnagetit So lowers will now remain as a permanent part of the menu? Well....seems I need to start building some more rifles...
  -  laruetactical @mikenotgonnagetit ... Yes and yes 2 likes
  -  mikenotgonnagetit @laruetactical and that means I'll be ordering some goodness soon!
rpmtool I love you Mr LaRue
thiswildadventure Mark would you please consider selling a lower parts kit to go with these? 6 likes
  -  ttyner1212 I agree a lower parts kit would be a great add on to the lowers. 2 likes
  -  ethanow1248 @thiswildadventure +1 on this, especially with an MBT in it. I'd gobble those up
  -  esqphoto @thiswildadventure @laruetactical - I think Mr. Larue may opt for this because of the thought of a Philadelphia Trigger being put it one is lowers just might be more than he could take. 🤡u s 1 like
blue_cat_797 Just ordered one!!
agw_fl Thank you Mark!!! Done and can't wait!!!'n
chad_pyle Bye bye other lower manufactures. You guys rock! 👌u s @laruetactical 1 like
ae.sapienza Any word on trigger's?
  -  laruetactical @asapeighty8 ... Yes, they're selling hand over fist, with over 100,000 satisfied owners. 3 likes
  -  ae.sapienza @laruetactical will I ever be 100,001?
thedogeoftheyear Why is the phone line down? 1 like
  -  laruetactical @thedogeoftheyear ... We only have #4 phone wire coming in. 1 like
  -  thedogeoftheyear @laruetactical So I should keep trying then?
  -  laruetactical @thedogeoftheyear Dunno, I'm running the whip at the lower cell. 🔥 1 like
  -  laruetactical @thedogeoftheyear ... Update - My man had to leave early to drop off his young'n to his ex. We sprang the lower situation on him unexpectedly at 3pm (sorry, we got antsy). Our LaRue webstore is wide open for business and there's a crowd in there. ML 10 likes
  -  davidkauzlaric @laruetactical I tried calling sat on hold for an hour. Then I messaged IG account and no answer so I had to buy a different brand. :(
  -  thedogeoftheyear @davidkauzlaric Well, you probably didn't HAVE to. What was your question?
  -  titan_rook @davidkauzlaric Unfortunately, that's your loss. People wait years, yes, years for some LaRue goodness. Too bad you didn't try asking the Insta hivemind if it wasn't a personal question.
  -  davidkauzlaric @titan_rook went with a Spuhr mount instead.
  -  davidkauzlaric @thedogeoftheyear went Spuhr instead unfortunately.
_rev_engineer_92 Am I the only one waiting til 5:00pm? If I order now, will it require proof of upper purchase? 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @_rev_engineer_92 ... Yes, order now, the drunken IT guys hit the go button at 3pm, so they wouldn't miss TGIF happy hour pricing. 7 likes
  -  _rev_engineer_92 @laruetactical order placed! I looked up your time zone and set an alarm to be first in line. Hope it didn't cost me too much in the queue. (Not that it matters that much it'll be a bit before I can build it out anyway)
  -  esqphoto @_rev_engineer_92 - The answer was No. I accidentally bought one before 5. All was good. Please don't tell on me!
ttyner1212 Any update on the Siete now that back orders are filled?
  -  laruetactical @ttyner1212 ... I said "backorders on lowers were filled". That'd be different. ML 1 like
  -  ttyner1212 @laruetactical all good that's what I figured. Just itching to buy a siete 😂
  -  trapshootb @ttyner1212 Me To 🧡
axeonoptics Ye tempt me!
kodiak_precision Already ordered 1 , Thanks!!!
william.h.buttlicker Will it accept forged uppers as well?
dadofthreee "Thank you for your order" 1 like
sweshooter Price? 1 like
ralph124c41 Can I buy an m110 cut 762 upper for my Larue dpms cut UU kit please?
honkin_and_tonkin Oooooo dang
adriansmaravilla Will the 308 lower fit an Aero M5 upper?
  -  laruetactical @adriansmaravilla ... From our website ..." NOTE: The LaRue 762 lower is an M110/SR25 Cut lower and requires an M110/SR25 style upper receiver." 9 likes
  -  adriansmaravilla @laruetactical thank you
shwell11 Ordered one last night.. can't wait to complete my Larue build.
jordys.world I bought one of these 12+ years ago when you needed proof-of-an-upper purchase. I can testify that they are absolute works of art 1 like
ccmac_osu Damn was just about to buy another fde upper and lower to match the two I already have, guess I'll have to wait now? 1 like
pmorris_7deuce @strongriveroutlaw 😱 1 like
  -  strongriveroutlaw @pmorris_7deuce 😳 1 like
cmbmd Any chance of a bare upper to match? Wanting to build a SBR .375 Raptor.
jmention_88 Ah crap here comes the credit card number. 1 like
el_wodkiller Do you guys plan on ever releasing some lowers that are slick with out branding @laruetactical
  -  laruetactical @el_wodkiller ... Uh, hell no. 🔥 10 likes
  -  el_wodkiller @laruetactical 😂😂😂
  -  lkcrome @laruetactical NOW THAT was a first class politely administered wanker slap!👏
gunpowdergasandink You're gonna break me Mark....🔥👏😂 1 like