... These riser mounts nest so nicely ... 😎
224 likescoryintexas Is this a new model?
  -  laruetactical @coryintexas ... We run it by the thousands for a NV customer. 1 like
  -  coryintexas @laruetactical Ohhhhhh. I see.
  -  coryintexas @laruetactical I understand if you can't share the name. But if you can, can you point to where these are for sale?
  -  laruetactical @coryintexas ... They don't sell them, they install them on NVD. Be glad to send you one to check height
andy.chavers All of you guys work is beautiful! Would love to see a stack of TranQuilo's ! ( One with my name on it ) 😊
mergatroyd @laruetactical what are we rising here?
  -  ewdeters @mergatroyd rangefinders 1 like
justn84 neat .