.. . Speaking of 6.5Grendels ... I shot this 18" UU Kit today, with some McCourt 120g Bergers (100 yds). To me, it left a lot of open paper between the bullets. You 6.5G guys step in here ... does this show promise ? 🤷 ML
182 likeshunter47525 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 1 like
- laruetactical @hunter47525 ... Ya lost me with all the laughing 🤷 1 like
whatarewedo1ng Mark check your messages I sent you a pic Bryan Litz posted on his Facebook that is pretty interesting. 1 like
joseph5myers I don't see any problems?
billicon520 If thats the one that fills my order l think l could live with it.
bklingensmith61 Bergers are a tough bullet to get to group well. They have a sweet spot that definitely requires a lot of work on the reloading bench as well as the shooting bench. My Grendel delivers the groups with polymer tipped Noslers and AMaxes. It never liked the taste of Bergers. They are very sensitive to COL. Try an AMax or Nosler Ballistic Tip.
- laruetactical @bklingensmith61 ... Meaning, with some effort, those 120g Bergers could make a better showing ?
- bklingensmith61 @laruetactical yessir. Powder charge, powder type , seating depth ect. But sometimes the bullet and the barrel just don't like each other.
- mccourt_munitions_llc @bklingensmith61 I respectfully disagree, Berger 120 Match BT is far from difficult to work with. 1 like
- bklingensmith61 @mccourt_munitions_llc My experience is with the VLDs, I admit that I could be wrong about the match bullets. Never tried them. The VLDs are a tough one. Still can't get them where I want them. Maybe I'm just too particular.
joshwalding My brother uses a Grendel with the he eld match ammo and it shoots very tight groups
hibrass13 Hornady ELD match 123gr , works well for me. Haven't ever heard of a deer that wouldn't die cause my gun doesn't shoot dime sized groups at 100 yards. Just saying... LaRue guns are out of my league by far, but I'd love to compare apples to apples.