... Before and after shot. This is a simple test of your observation skills 🤷 ML
532 likessupercomp9x23 Future buffer tubes !!!! 1 like
realwarthog71 I love the fact that you probably waste far less with this method of production.
Well done!
You should see my 2x4 lower with the buffer tube built right in to it.
Think I'm gonna make one out of a softball bat next... 1 like
moodphotoz More respect to the buffer tube! 7075 I'd assume is the one you want?
  -  laruetactical @moodphotoz ... Yes to 7075
projectworks305 They'll buff out! 😉 1 like
snakebite.actual I dont think. i know enough to answer
patcbarc Buffer tubes ? 1 like
csolstice032018 Receiver extensions! 1 like
tycoramerizdad A worker left his station a mess. By observation, it was clean prior to the work shift...... what do I win?
nyx_firearm_solutions You are goals
veil598 37mm maybe 🤔
highbrow_666 Deburred?
poppin_pecs Hand guards.
legion_vi What do yall do with the shavings?
jwoodybrown Upper
shredla We dont need buffers...we need the LT788-2 RMR mounts
texan.right Wow! You mill those literally out of a bar of aluminum? More scrap material than in the finished product! Awesome thanks for the share!
tdrake97 A magnum and a yausa vise
direct.impingement Interesting. I've never seen the raw extrusion before!
  -  laruetactical @direct.impingement ... That's our LaRue way. We extrude an oversized double out of 7075. Then machine the top one to a tightly held diameter, flip it, then do the same to the other half, then saw them apart. Then we get started in earnest. 😎 4 likes
  -  ks_maddics_kc @laruetactical that is the smartest way I have seen to do this. So many reasons why. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @ks_maddics_kc ... Before blowing the deep hole into it, we roll-form the threads while there is a solid backing to form great threads. 💪 2 likes
  -  ks_maddics_kc @laruetactical hearing you guys do rolled threads instead of cut made my day. I cant think of a better way to do the process than what you just described. That is great!
cmbmd Top one is two buffer tubes before the are split into two individual tubes. More efficient to make two out of one block then split them for the final operations. 1 like
bikencycle Commercial and mil-spec buffer tubes.
  -  holy_guacamole710 @bikencycle does anyone actually make commercial sized buffer tubes anymore? 1 like
  -  redoak.sooner @holy_guacamole710 definitely not LT
  -  brotomas @holy_guacamole710 commercial sized buffer tubes are about as useful as semi-auto BCG's. 1 like
  -  holy_guacamole710 @brotomas it still weirds me out that lmt insists on using semi auto bcgs in their rifles.
  -  highbrow_666 @holy_guacamole710 HK are commercial sized tubes.
  -  holy_guacamole710 @highbrow_666 that's pretty dumb but not surprising. Hk seems to do a lot of weird shit with their rifles.
tacconcan @laruetactical receiver extension forgings? Or extrusions?