... Gunroom asked me to shoot this 7.62 PredatOBR ... it's two 3-shot groups averaged 0.429 moa. Litz' formula says to multiply that 0.429 x 1.28 to see what it would've been in 5-shot groups. Meh, I'll take it. ML
421 likessiegrisj Pretty good I guess 😆🤘
eocsis_86 5 shot Karens! Flog that man
dustinceynar With using the formula why the claim that a 5 shot group can't be the same as the 3 shot group? Maybe a dumb question but with quality equipment/ammo/rifle like yours and a capable person why the claim a rifle is not as good at 5 versus 3 shots? 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @dustinceynar ... Because Bryan Litz said so. 4 likes
kodiak_precision Nice grouping on a Friday looking forward to a great weekend ehh?
jonnymitchbjj @laruetactical Is that mine???
2_utah Must be nice! Bought one back in Aug.. still don't have it ..
  -  laruetactical @2_utah ... A 12"? ... If it was a 12", it's on it's way to you. 1 like
  -  2_utah @laruetactical no, it's was a Acc first special..
  -  laruetactical @2_utah ... 👆 My Boomer brain can't translate that 2 likes
  -  2_utah @laruetactical 😂 the 20" 6.5cred with the tranquil break and sup
  -  ludwick9736 @2_utah Mine has been on order since July 10th so good luck.
  -  2_utah @ludwick9736 great 👍 😂
ludwick9736 My OBR has been on order since July 10th so August ain't nothing.
rangeofficerchris I wish my shooting tolerances were as tight as Mark's machining tolerances 😢