Ok, to lighten the Straight Bow (oxymoron?) and give it a distinctive look, I had the guys cut the slot all the way through. I like it. So, run 'em or keep futzing with it? ML #larue #laruetactical #trigger #laruetrigger #precisionmachining #precisionrifles #behindthescenes #howitsmade
850 likesjoshua.nelson100 Run I man I like it
ricochettactical @laruetactical I would like one please. As we discussed at Shot Shot show while you made the Rings I will have my people contact your people.
- laruetactical @ricochettactical ... Oh damn, I had a virtual plethora of conversations while I CNC'd those rings for four days :-) ML 2 likes
- ricochettactical @laruetactical I could only imagine due to your popularity. But our conversation was about how "we" have "people".
whitefang721 Only if you put it in a rig and prove it won't break. I'm never a fan of skeletonizing gun parts personally.
justn84 Both look great. Im not in the market for a trigger but i would take whatever is cheaper/would get them in the customers hands faster! 1 like
gunream I need to see it in person π
c._fisher Leave it and put a small L there. Or is that trademarked?
v_redrex Wondering if we ll have the option to get the straight trigger as an add on eithout getting the whole set trigger again??
- alaskanmarksman @v_redrex why do that,when you could build another AR?
_kms1_ Oh my π
stevenmcclay6921 Im in either way. Skeleton saves weight but is it enough in this case for anyone to notice? Make it strongAR and get it to us soonAR. Thanks Mr. Larue! 1 like
matthew.wilson4339 Runnit
jimmypthatsme Run em!
def3va You know the answer Mark - both!
b3a1d Run it!
redoak.sooner Thank you so very much!
globaltjb I like it at 87 bucks 5 likes
- laruetactical @globaltjb ... Then $87 bucks it is - ML 13 likes
rctactical006 Looks weird. 1 like
mac_daddy62 πRun it π
steven.clark.6014 Send it
dirtyk208 I'm ready u s π¦
j_3lazed Should I wait to get one? I'm ready to get the MBT
ar15hunter Nice looking trigger! We picked-up two that will eventually go into some unique caliber builds!
postban_pic looks great, run em!
v_redrex @alaskanmarksman Ive already got four Larue MBTs.
- alaskanmarksman @v_redrex time to assemble another one?
dreauxmire Run π Run π Run π! I need 3!
suppressednation_chris I like it
ohutch207 Hey Mark and family! I abolsutely love this trigger design and can't wait for it's availaibity. Something to consider is flat faced triggers have felt "off" to me in the past when the trigger shoes isnt vertical at the final point of sear engagement, or isnt plumb, or perpendicilular to the bore (not sure how to say it in engineer as I'm not 100% fluent π) ideally to me with a two stage trigger, the shoe would be vertical at the end of the second stage. I have a glock trigger that the shoe isnt vertical at the point of the final wall and it just feels less desirable because of it. Not sure if it's something you guys have already considered but it probably is. Thanks so much for the innovation!
a.j._arellano Leave it solid save the extra process π
j.w.landry Just like that. π
av8ur Rename it Long Bow and open the gates!
- laruetactical @av8ur .... I like it, but certain nefarious people are watching everything I do and likely have a Trademark for it underway already - ML 1 like
jivesturkey I like it
jivesturkey I like it
mister_patrick I like it! @laruetactical
mikenotgonnagetit I dont care...but I want one!!! And if I can buy just the bow and for my existing MBTS I'd be happy as hell there too. I'll be happy to send in any ones I swap out too. But id like a few of these
matthelmknives Definitely prefer the skeletonized version!
nickboyett Meh. If it meant the customer saved $3 in machining and shortened a month long turn around, leave it filled. Idk if I'll even be alive in a month.
gsdpanzer Awesome
458_socalm I'll buy two just to cut the banana back off of one to see if I'd like it as just a "I" hanging there. I don't mind double supporting a company that supports us so much.
mbaggett88 Beautiful!! Run it Mark.
green.light.go_ i own 3 MBTs! I'm planning to purchase my 4th one but waiting for the flat trigger to drop. with that being said, im not a fan of the cutout. I say you make it solid. or at least just do some indents on each side but dont cut it all the way through.
shqype_ It looks good, but I think it may look better filled in with an L in the middle.
patriot_driver "Roll that beautiful bean footage" !! ππππ 1 like
- dreauxmire @patriot_driver πππ
chad1105 Run um
keithadrian8a Run it!
kicknamestakeass I dont know if it's word association or synesthesia or something... but your company is so familiar to me. Like it's deja vu. Craziness. Gotta get a rail from you for a 20" rifle build. And a trigger to go with it.
brianbelden Do it!!
schubert189 When's it available lol
wade_knowles I'll take 2! βπ»
the_ninjaneer That is absolutely perfect and EXACTLY what most flat trigger guts want. Simple, yet elegant design. Easily custimizable for those that want to make it unique. Its even a perfect foundation for those few who want to modify it on their own... they can fill it in, they can checker/knurl the front, they can add a lip at the bottom, they can cut the bow off the back, etc... Pull the trigger on this design @laruetactical 1 like
- the_ninjaneer @the_ninjaneer @laruetactical This is also a great platform for (individual) customization: two slight detents/divots inside and pop in a little ball bearing/cube) inside... (and/or) pour a custom color/glow epoxy inside, etc.. SO many cool possibilities with this one!! 1 like
jp.watkins Run it.
mattyreload556 Like it 1 like
mattfamgram Run 'em pleaseπ
2c_outdoors Run that shit!!! Looks hot
axisjustice Run it!
mkivbb Needs a bump on the bottom, and maybe texturing on it.
storman_67 Solid look, would look better
whiskey_311 Run em so I can run it!
thatguyward94 Run'em!
glock19301 Run it!!!
chrisftsert Looks good. Keep it!!
458_socalm Run em, we'll buy em!
frisco_rps13 π it
camel56194 @laruetactical run it! Looks great! Will there be smooth or will it be knurled on the front?
ncmav219 I'd much rather you folks run all of those rails you have on backorder. 2 likes
austin_asu Runnnnnnn it!
thirtythree_three I say don't run it all the way through...it may cost you (Mark) less to make by leaving it solid, and though nearly impossible, something could get caught in there. 1 like
- lomaxima4221 @thirtythree_three agreed, leave it solid @larue_tactical
- lomaxima4221 @lomaxima4221 functional over looks. @laruetactical 1 like
handloadsandholdovers Looks awesome
bayoubulldog87 Looks great.
agw_fl Keep'em!!!!! ππππππ€€
xdo3x Run it
brrrboooo Relief on both sides but not all the way through
baseline_train I don't like the cut out, but i'll buy it either way your trigfers rock!!! Got an MBT in my ar15 2 likes
detachment_1 Run it! Please!
roanokeweaponry Run em! Different colors?
joeythec02 Run it!!!! I needs it baby!!!!!! 4 likes
codycrafted Git it
bsalz Run it!
blindjustice1973 Looks great with the cutout
46wlf46 Texture then run.
lionstigersbears_408 Run it! π₯πu s
1toughmedic Increase the length of the top back edge of the bow so it looks a little less like a banana? @laruetactical
co_tx_shooter Has a Texan look to it in my opinion. Which is the best state to live in so maybe I have a bias!
blackboxwizard Looks great
the_one_and_only_keith_ @laruetactical Ok I like and would run it just like that, one question. On the back side of the bow where it's curved can you straighten that out or does it have to stay curved for function?
- gospencer1 @the_one_and_only_keith_ i agree straightening the back towards the top would look better
- realmda13 @the_one_and_only_keith_ or maybe you could leave it to the man that has 40 years of machining? ML is better at making triggers than any of us. 1 like
casadenewman Looks great!
toolndie7 Ship it π
c_beene_15 Run with it, I like it
sakurariverhouse Run'em!
aaron.broussard Run it!
mayhem_actual_07 Random comment. Any thoughts on getting into the AR9 market? I'd kill for a larue quality barrel at least.
gunsandsharpthings Mark, now that Geissele has blocked me due to my excessive trolling(and potential lawsuit, you never know about the Big G), moving forward your triggers only. (I still wish they had rounded edges)
raknick187 Love your triggers. Not crazy about the cutout. 3 likes
thedengus Run it!!!!! @laruetactical
6creedmoorshooter Run 'em
topshotdustin Verified Looks great! 3 likes
- laruetactical @topshotdustin ... TSD !! Come burn one down !! ML 1 like
- topshotdustin Verified @laruetactical yeah buddy!!!
caballero_dynamics πwish I had one in time for the tactical games, run it
ks_patterson Run 'em
thiswildadventure G-Whiz: It needs a LT logo on the shoe that's visible. 3 likes
kja_88 Are these going to be drop in CMC style triggers?
- codycrafted @kja_88 no
seananiguns Futz with it until we have a sweet single stage to buy from you! Straight bow looks great
triggermike23 Keep futzing
txduckgun Knurl or checker the face deep, like a maritime bolt catch 3 likes
g_walker9 Just make it straight both sidesπ€·
yeffahemj Send it! 1 like
- laruetactical @yeffahemj ... 39 out of 60 agree :-) ML 3 likes