... For the record, these were two random AF 18" made-from-scratch LaRue 308 barrels. That hit within 1 inch of each other at 100 yards. Name somebody else that can drag two 308 barrels randomly off the pile and get an average of 0.635 moa accuracy and group an inch apart at 100 yards. I'll wait ... 😎 ML
201 likesbadger__hill Bartlein 4 likes
  -  laruetactical @badger__hill ... I should've said "production barrels" 😎 3 likes
  -  badger__hill @laruetactical well then I got nothing 😁
thejdhill When can us owners expect to be able to buy 3rd barrels?
the_fitness_dynamic That looks like some surplus m118LR haha.
  -  laruetactical @the_fitness_dynamic ... Dented, superglued-in bullets in 118LR added 1/4" to group sizes. Should I subtract a 1/4 minute off the average and pour myself a drink ? 😎 2 likes
  -  the_fitness_dynamic @laruetactical lol get you a drink and something tasty done up in that dillow dust. 118Lr definitely didnt helo