... Let's talk about anodizing and why it's hard to match. When Hard Anodizing 7075, the pores have a diameter of "X". When Hard Anodizing 6000 series, such as 6061, the pores have a diameter of "Bigger than X". More dye makes it into the 6061 pores than can fit into the 7075 pores. Additionally, black dye is a fine material, that seems to look the same in both materials. But the FDE dye is chunkier, and falls into 6061 pores like a clean toilet flushing. But in 7075, it looks like a toilet jammed full of paper towels in Walmart. Hope this helps ... enjoy your morning coffee ☕ ML
472 likessweg_77_ Very informative thank you 👏 1 like
def3va Haters gunna hate 3 likes
  -  redoak.sooner @def3va if they'd just shoot the damn thing instead of looking at it...even still, better looking than the other 99%. 3 likes
charliesclones You have done more thinking before 8:00a than the average snowflake dies in a week 😂 3 likes
just_really_b0red Well, you learn something new every day. 3 likes
thebigred692000 That does help.
yukoncorneleus Best explanation of the color shift between materials that I've seen.
drfrenchjr Thanks sir, the thought of clogged toilets always makes the morning more relaxing! 😂 However, it was as always informative.
kylebasore Olive Drab anno is pain. I'd rather mess with reds any day.
omega_cerakote What do you think about anodizing and metal fatigue? I have read that although anodizing looks good, it creates an oxide layer on the metal which in turn stress cracks, making the metal weaker. Any truth to that, that you know of?
  -  charliesclones @omega_cerakote Really? I would think the aluminum would have to be very thin to worry about that.
  -  omega_cerakote @charliesclones obviously I'm not a metallurgist but I would think thickness would definitely come into play. Even so, on a thicker piece, if the top layer starts to crack, it's still attached to subsequent "layers", will it continue? Or because the oxidized layer is just a thin layer does it stop at that transition and eventually crumble the top, revealing the"clean"layer? And if so, how long would that take? Idk, just pontificating.
  -  laruetactical @omega_cerakote ... Screen name - ✅
  -  omega_cerakote @laruetactical ?
  -  laruetactical @omega_cerakote ... Speaking of clogged toilets, I post an informative tidbit about anodizing hues and a guy with "cerakote" in his screen name jumps in to cast a pawl over the entire 100 year old anodizing process. "Is that a 'run'? "Yes that's a 'run', but you'll have that." 3 likes
  -  omega_cerakote @laruetactical wow, I was just asking a question. I would get into any coating that I could that was worth it. I am just doing it on the side so I am just trying to glean information from someone that seems very knowledgeable. I am not opposed to anodizing, nor was I trying to turn people away. Everyone it's free to make their own choices, it is a "free"country after all. I apologize that you got offended. I love to learn and that's all I was trying to do. This is one of the reasons I don't comment on much.
  -  laruetactical @omega_cerakote ... Offended? Naw. Why not just call me racist while you're at it ? Just 'cause I'm reaching for a mag (with a hard anodized base) while keeping one eye on you doesn't mean I'm "offended" 😎 2 likes
  -  omega_cerakote @laruetactical ok. Lesson learned. 😂
  -  jeffyoung357 @omega_cerakote Do you wish to declare at least a perceived conflict of interest? Oh, wait, you already did.
icecoldmn While I understand the principal, I think I'll just stick to black or coated guns, my brain doesn't like the color variations. I'm sure it will shoot great but compared with my costa and fde heavy and ude tobr I prefer the coatings finish color consistency. Can't help it your guns are also art to me. But if the Russians invade I'm sure whoever I hand it to won't give a dam what color it is. 😂
  -  laruetactical @icecoldmn ... It's FDEmo
  -  laruetactical @icecoldmn ... Black is closer, but still doesn't match for the aforementioned reasons. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @icecoldmn ... And "coated" is an "uncontrolled-thickness paint" 2 likes
  -  realwarthog71 @laruetactical Agreed. I've never seen a coated receiver without tolerance changes somewhere. Excellent anodizing post. It really isn't a difficult set up.
  -  mako762 @laruetactical ☝this is true and more important than some may think.
cameronshadron First time I've been able to understand it.
benito2279 Love this !!! @laruetactical
gospencer1 @laruetactical are the black and tan (fde) rifles cerakoted or anodized?
  -  laruetactical @gospencer1 ... We're talking about anodizing here, not painting.