My intrepid assistant, Molly, shooting a LaRue .260 in an Accuracy1st class this weekend. It was foggy and she made hits out to 880 meters. Makes sense as she's also a commercial pilot. ML #larue #laruetactical #tranquilo #laruetranquilo #precisionrifles #megaprecision #behindthescenes #deadcenterofprecision
874 likesj_frank24_ If you need an ATP to test the Siete just let me know!
lhjones3 Accuracy 1st is where its at! 1 like
duckhnt Is she also the "snow bunny"? 1 like
corbinmo All credit goes to the .260 - tOBR's are a girls best friend ;-) #precision
jasonk7474 #bosslady 1 like
brackeen22 Is that a riser taped to the RAT? Probably should make one 2 likes
patriot_driver Shes a pilot..... and she likes guns??? 🤔...... She got a boyfriend? 😉🙂 1 like
jollygreen182 Gonna make those .260 predatOBR barrels for sale? 2 likes
josh_goes_pewpew Thats what my full larue rifle will be, a 260.
whitesys99 Outstanding... LaRue 260s just love that range.
whitesys99 Accuracy 1st class last July and made two 1622 meter hits with my LaRue .260 from that exact position. 1 like