... USASOC Sniper Comp news ... on the grapevine ... said the French team took 2nd place and they ran a 16" LaRue PredatOBR as one of their two rifles 🎯 Surprisingly Apropos 😎 ML (Pretty sporty sponsor list on the T-shirt 🧐)
361 likesmaxm1040 What did USASOC team use?
  -  laruetactical @maxm1040 ... The only info I got was "the 2nd place team was running a LaRue" 1 like
gentrycoleotc14 Probably 260 Remington for USASOC. Of some configuration
  -  laruetactical @gentrycoleotc14 ... Grapevine chimed in that it was "their issued bolt guns".
  -  gentrycoleotc14 @laruetactical you don't mean to .280 . That would really surprise me. 30-06 case?
  -  jeff_dietrich @gentrycoleotc14 it's a .308 only match currently
  -  gentrycoleotc14 @jeff_dietrich cool
yorick_drd 💪🏻 FR 😎 1 like
  -  spearheadprecision @yorick_drd pas de hasard! 1 like
tailormadetargets Supreme team 👏
perez2021juan That's awesome!
jspryce Congrats! 👏👏
maxm1040 Excellent and Much appreciated. Wasn't there a US team that used 16" PredatOBR and come in first awhile back as well?
reagan.911.991.c2 Current lead times on whatever they were using 👀👀
  -  usingmyrights Just doubled. 1 like