... The guys ran another 1/2 dozen of those 12" 5.56 OBRs back here and told me to keep shootin'. The rifles didn't let up on accuracy. This 0.075" 3-shot group (with the McCourt 73g Bergers) was best of the six 🎯 ML
1,226 likeskevin_nagle63 Damn 1 like
gmrmedina damn 1 like
1striker4life Wow that's sweet 1 like
hobbit0717 Tight! 1 like
sarcasmk1ng so good!! 1 like
billsnearly Come up 0.1 Mil. 😁 1 like
tn1822 son! 1 like
laura.lynette05 That's a beauty 1 like
tictac702 They build things better in Texas 2 likes
theangelopappas74 Damn AR shooting mid zeros. Incredible. You make the most accurate AR that there is. 1 like
aaronedwards843 62gr group sub moa of my 12". Thank you for a great rifle. 1 like
wayne_caruthers 😮😮 u s
hunter47525 Wow😳😳😳 1 like
t4r_snow_tank 😳😮🤯
evlgreg If you start getting any more accurate you're going to need some moving taped behind the center of the target to make sure you fired three shots. :-) 2 likes
djagr_arms Oh boy
gsprague 12" - nice and rigid
sasquatch_nurph Damn! 😳
stevieb117 🔥🔥🔥🔥
kodiak_precision Damn! Time to have a few lotto tickets. Sweet one there Boomer!
justcoelho If it WaS a FiVe sHoT... 1 like
  -  laruetactical @justcoelho ... dO you evEn LIfT 🤪 3 likes
jhetch81876 It's crazy, there's very few rifles, if any, from the factory, that shoot like a Larue. 1 like
bmullis @laruetactical That's a smokin' hot group ML , I think you're getting the hang of this 🤣🤣🤣 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @bmullis ... I'll fess up since it's you ... I was a 1/16th to an 1/8th inch left when the rifle went off on the 2nd shot. It still fell in the first hole 🤷 4 likes
pride_ammo Distance?
  -  laruetactical @pride_ammo ... 3,600" 1 like
  -  pride_ammo @laruetactical in that case...VERY NICE! 🔥 1 like
btracy04 Mark Larue, why does 260 and 308 predatobrs have switchblock gas blocks and 6.5 creedmoor does not offer it?
  -  laruetactical @btracy04 ... Different strokes for different folks 🤷
tailormadetargets Who needs viagra
a.c.erhardt I have plenty of three shot groups that would only show one hole on a photo like that. just dont zoom out...
  -  laruetactical @a.c.erhardt ... Surely you jest ....
There's a football field showing around that group ... 3 likes
blacksheeparms I'm wet