... Hope this helps ... 😎 ML
1,342 likesfucyea_murica_ Will it work with my carry handle old school AR? Asking for a friend 1 like
  -  drconfed @fucyea_murica_ bruh, you already have iron sights 28 likes
  -  laruetactical @fucyea_murica_ ... With a hacksaw and a welder 😎 17 likes
  -  fucyea_murica_ @laruetactical looks like a great product. Definitely on my wish list.
  -  cogburnarsenal @laruetactical I didn't think you could weld 7075.
  -  laruetactical @cogburnarsenal ... You can glob it together 😎
  -  cogburnarsenal @laruetactical I suppose if you put enough on, eventually it'll hold.
ebarnhart1017 Or just don't spend the money on more rifles if you don't have optics for your first one 15 likes
  -  glashfordon42 @ebarnhart1017 you really thought you did something here 1 like
  -  buildmeisterrva @glashfordon42 He did.... he made sense. 6 likes
  -  glashfordon42 @buildmeisterrva if you have a rifle and optics for the first rifle and then have 2 other rifles then his post doesn't make sense. Cope.
joe_pav31 I've got almost all my triggers switched over to MBT-2S's . Might need to pick one of these up in spite of the haters 1 like
  -  laruetactical @joe_pav31 ... The haters hate that I sprang outta nowhere in 2004 with LaRue QD mounts that mopped the floor with the competition. The haters hate that I decided one day to make LaRue barrels from scratch, and now I can assemble LaRue barrels onto LaRue rifles and hit a quarter at 100 yards. Etc., etc. 😎 32 likes
  -  brtnglht @laruetactical i hate haters!! 2 likes
  -  wolf.amongst.ravens @laruetactical haters are just fans in denial 4 likes
  -  mk3focusrs @laruetactical Literally nobody cares that you can do all that. This product is just dumb though lmao. (Dont worry Ill wait to get blocked because you can't handle criticism).
  -  laruetactical @mk3focusrs ... My Instagram page is my dining room table. And you sir are proof positive that some folks ain't smart enough to keep their seat at the table. 11 likes
  -  mk3focusrs @laruetactical Okay Mark. Keep up the schizo posting.
  -  laruetactical @mk3focusrs ... Name calling already ? 1 like
  -  laruetactical @mk3focusrs ... Wait, now I get it, you're a "projectionist".
  -  mk3focusrs @laruetactical Nah Im just pointing out how everything you say makes you sound like a schizo. For example, since when do ar15 iron sights require a mallet to adjust lmao. That's dumb as shit. Or "you don't need to zero". Thats bullshit😂
  -  laruetactical @mk3focusrs ... Do you always fail reading comprehension exercises ? 2 likes
  -  mk3focusrs @laruetactical Do I? Please explain. I wanna see how you explain away saying you need a mallet to adjust iron sights.
  -  realnoahbouchard @mk3focusrs you drive a ford focus and are gonna try to tell ML one of his products doesn't make sense?😂 why are you even here commenting he's not forcing you to buy it 7 likes
  -  mk3focusrs @realnoahbouchard If you don't know what a Focus RS is you probably shouldn't try and act like you know shit about cars. Keep up the fanboy shit.
  -  laruetactical @realnoahbouchard .... He's an avowed LaRue Hater trying to get an invite to a particular Pennsylvania deer camp 😎 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @mk3focusrs ... I don't know shit about cars, but I can make a Ford Focus from scratch, so there's that 🤷 4 likes
  -  realnoahbouchard @mk3focusrs I know what a focus rs is but its not the flex you think it is. You probably bought it because its "just as good" as a mustang. Have fun at deer camp 4 likes
  -  mk3focusrs @laruetactical Can you? I would like to see that😂 You're REALLY getting off topic now. Like I said chill on the schizo posting. You gunna tell me about that mallet?
  -  mk3focusrs @realnoahbouchard I bought it because I like the car lmao. It's slow as fuck compared to anything over 400hp. I wasn't even flexing it😂 I like how you have to insult something completely irrelevant because of the fanboy status. Looking through your page makes me feel like only one of us is poor and it aint me🤡
  -  laruetactical @mk3focusrs ... Yeah, the one PA made rifle I have reminds me of a "Witching stick", it's handguard is pointing down at the ground water, making it shoot high AF. Of course I've learned not to ask you if you understand my reply.
  -  mk3focusrs @laruetactical Like I said. Schizo posting.
  -  laruetactical @mk3focusrs ... Don't sweat it Dumbo 🐘, 55,000 other LaRue IG followers got it 😎 1 like
  -  mk3focusrs @laruetactical Im waiting on you to explain needing a mallet to adjust an iron sight on an ar15
  -  laruetactical @mk3focusrs ... Hillbilly Elegy indeed. Jeeminy cricket, the Appalachian hollers go further north than I gave them credit for. It's to beat the damn out-of-square handguard up/over to where there's room for your hallowed 2-piece iron sights to have enough travel to get it onto a 25 yard headplate rack's plates.
  -  mk3focusrs @laruetactical So you tried to claim that the C-note is better than adjustable irons on an ar15 because of your very specific out of spec handguard. Got it. It would have been easier to say that than type three paragraphs of nonsense. You're all over the place Mark.
  -  laruetactical @mk3focusrs ... Meh, I'm sure all of your made-in-PA handguards are probably fine 😎
  -  realnoahbouchard @mk3focusrs this is actually comedy. You say you're not flexing your car yet that's all you've posted on your page. What I don't see is anything to suggest you know a damn thing about firearms. I also liked the comment about being poor I'm curious how you've come to that conclusion? 1 like
  -  mk3focusrs @laruetactical I'm not using any handguards like that though.....
  -  mk3focusrs @realnoahbouchard It's almost like my page is exclusively pictures of a car, and has no ties to my personal IG. Weird concept, I know😂 Does that mean everything that anybody posts on IG is a flex? That's some idiotic logic right there. In that case at least my flexes are better than yours
  -  laruetactical @mk3focusrs ... I screwed a barrel onto a bolt gun I made, torqued it with a torque wrench I made, snapped on a handguard I made, then a scope mounted in QD mounts I made, added the bolt I made, then placed 1 round of 22-250 ammo in it, and hit a quarter at 100 yards with the 1st and only shot. Just sayin' ... 😎 7 likes
  -  realnoahbouchard @mk3focusrs Ik why you're upset now. Soon you won't even be able to own an AR since you live in Oregon so idk why you're even commenting 2 likes
  -  guardsman117gw @laruetactical @garandthumb I found 22-250 man you know what to do 2 likes
  -  dannah_mfg @laruetactical that's the thing about haters, they don't know Dick about manufacturing. Just because they've used a Knee mill once as a drill press, they know it all. If you can't accurately Grind/Wire a form tool, leave it to the big boys. But hey, what do I know.
  -  bob_ricigliano @laruetactical you guys make barrels from scratch?
  -  bob_ricigliano @joe_pav31 I'm fairly new to ar's and it seems to be a great idea
  -  laruetactical @bob_ricigliano ... Yep. A truck arrives with 12 foot long bars of Rearden Steel ... and we bring on the attack. 3 likes
  -  bob_ricigliano @laruetactical you make everything else in house as well?
  -  laruetactical @bob_ricigliano ... Pretty much everything but springs
  -  bob_ricigliano @laruetactical shit, guess I'll have to make you the next one I buy. Wife going to need one.......I'm kinda new to ARs first one I got is solid and well built No complaints one bit. I didn't know about you guys till recently. I like the fact you have that armors class and I support small American businesses. 1 like
  -  bob_ricigliano @bob_ricigliano armorers
derek_knapp_ If it has to be explained why it's useful and or how it's beneficial the product prolly ain't for you. 7 likes
  -  laruetactical @derek_knapp_ ... I don't mind ... first guy through the door and all that 😎 8 likes
rshaw04090 There are plenty on muzzle loaders looking for a solution as some states do not allow optics . Market that in the CVA paramount arena for a few more sales would be my guess . 4 likes
  -  laruetactical @rshaw04090 ... You're right, good call 💪 2 likes
  -  builders_best_coils @rshaw04090 never heard of a state not allowing optics 1 like
  -  davidewade @builders_best_coils "on muzzle loaders" may be the difference.
  -  builders_best_coils @davidewade interesting, didn't think about that cuz it made no logical sense. But apparently from what I've found is that there are quite a few states mainlyout west that prohibit the use of scopes/optics on muzzle loaders for hunting and go as far as regulating what kind of muzzle loader and ammo you can use. 1 like
  -  builders_best_coils @davidewade any idea why there are such strict regulations? If it's an ethics thing, you would think you'd want a hunter to have the best chance at a clean shot for a quick kill with good shot placement tomonimize/eliminate waste. I don't hunt tho, so I know f*CK all about any of it
  -  jmblair13 @builders_best_coils some states don't call it muzzleloader and group in it with "primitive weapons." The idea being they didn't have modern scopes when those guns were made. It's mostly a tradition kind of thing. I agree with you on ethics though
  -  b.d.flow @builders_best_coils it's a game managemt tool. Making the muzzy season less effective reduces the success rates during those seasons allowing for more tags to be sold and more opportunities but lower success rates. Archery season gets an allocation with a predictible success rate then muzzleloader, then rifle. 1 like
  -  bob_ricigliano @rshaw04090 some states don't allow optics ?!?!!!
  -  davidewade @builders_best_coils Probably trying to maintain "primitive" in special extra season days for muzzle loaders. Otherwise, hunt in regular gun season.
laruetactical ... Because reading is not your strong point, I won't suggest you get a copy of "Hillbilly Elegy", as asking you to read something other than a picture book could be considered cruel and unusual punishment. 11 likes
brackeen22 It doesn't help. 9 likes
  -  laruetactical @brackeen22 ... I wouldn't admit that 🧐 10 likes
imyrhandyman The majority of AR shooters aren't using that rail space. On a side note this would be great as a stand alone on a brush gun. 2 likes
  -  sight_picture_junkie @imyrhandyman The majority of AR shooters aren't using the rail on their receiver? 2 likes
  -  imyrhandyman @sight_picture_junkie that sight is mounted all the way forward on the rail, not on the receiver portion of the rail. I'm a gunsmith at a fairly busy shop and except for a BUS every now and again I never see that portion of the rail used. 1 like
gimli_the_bloomer So how does this work with not sighting them in? 1 like
  -  jeff_k.v6 @gimli_the_bloomer It's supposed to be zeroed for 25 yards if the rail is in spec ...not that that makes this make any more sense 5 likes
  -  laruetactical @jeff_k.v6 ... "If the rail is in spec" ... who's spec would you be meaning ?
markieboy1119 My personal ruger sfar 16" only has iron sights and a illuminated 1-8x24 sig scope. I'd do the same on any high end including Larue and Knights!!! Keep it simple and it gets the job done very efficiently! No need for all that rail in the way of c-clamp grip space 🤘
  -  markieboy1119 Only thing I would change is maybe the power and diameter of the scope.
j_rad91 Anyone offhand know the cost of a pair of magpul buis? 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @j_rad91 ... Whatever that cost is add to it the cost of a box of ammo to sight it in. That front blade sitting out on the front of a "Bendy" rail is gonna require a box or two of ammo and a rubber mallet 😎 1 like
  -  j_rad91 @laruetactical at least they can sight it in..😂 5 likes
  -  laruetactical @j_rad91 ... Yep, that's why I suggested the hard rubber mallet 😎 2 likes
amir.stamper Irons work
  -  laruetactical @amir.stamper ... You're right, irons work and these are QD iron sights pre-sighted-in 😎 4 likes
  -  amir.stamper @laruetactical not going to say anything disparaging about young people 😂
labronzejames Also your product stands out from the rest. You want regular "irons" you have 8ish choices already. You want something different, now ya got it. Also regular "irons" are pretty hard to mount on a bolt gun. 1 like
mylocalgunshop Does it work w/ bolt guns? 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @mylocalgunshop ... Yep, I've shot one on the LaRue Siete 1 like
  -  jimbobhersh @laruetactical Left Handed Siete!!!!! 1 like
scoutthegriffon hear me out: if you built a 375 and it doesn't have express sights but has a pic rail you could use it for up close dangerous fame work after removing the optic
  -  scoutthegriffon @scoutthegriffon dangerous game*
livefastdiefun85 I was wondering the same thing. but it makes 100% sense. Looks like you sold me on that explanation 3 likes
trevorreust It's just cool, im buying one next week, no need for it other then being cool. Lol 1 like
kertmckeone Speaks to the incredible craftsmanship of the rifles.
_its_ceej_not_siege_ Pretty neat
curtis_carp 🧡
dana_bp Exactly why I bought one! I built lots of lowers during covid and picked up a couple of your MGUs as well. The C-note is going on one of them.
tsuhobbs Maybe a stupid question, is there a recommended place to mount on the rail?
03bryan11 @laruetactical how do you know I have a whole safe full of AR's with no optics!
andrewspey Excellent. This helps very much. Thank you Larue.
mr.niceknife Low pro version for a g36?
realtalkliberty Drops mic. Exit. Stage left.
thebluefinmoose @sfrazier82 welp
jssmith70 I'll put an order in. Curious and have no doubt it will perform as advertised. I assume it's on the same plane as KAC or Troy BUIS? I'm thinking 10.5" AR with a white light for a no-nonsense truck gun. Maybe a can.
integrityarms I wish I could sell these shits in my store!!