... Hundreds of these went onto the UPS trucks yesterday. Our CNC machining setups are tuned-in and rollin'. Y'all new "C-Note" owners can slap 'em on any receiver and be instantly CQB ready. And because we make LaRue stuff square and parallel, if you have a LaRue rifle, you can run them on both the receiver or it's handguard 💪 ML
857 likeszdaltontn Here me out....I've wanted something like this for a cqb AR for a long time but a requirement for me is ALL lighting conditions.... Make one that has tritium or one that could take IDK say Glock sights (for cost and availability) and you'd have a real deal viable option! 6 likes
  -  laruetactical @zdaltontn ... The first word in your town crier message needs to be all-whether 😎 8 likes
  -  shitcreekinternational @zdaltontn if you can't see your iron sights because it's too dark you won't be able to identify your target. The idea that you're going to line up 3 Tritium dots to take a shot is hilarious. It's a gimmick. 11 likes
  -  hash_slinging_shooter @shitcreekinternational says the dude who apparently has never returned fire in the direction of muzzle flashes 5 likes
  -  shitcreekinternational @hash_slinging_shooter you're joking right?😂😂😂😂
  -  hash_slinging_shooter @shitcreekinternational not kidding, but "apparently" was the key word there
  -  dakadenparadox @zdaltontn weapon lights are a thing 1 like
  -  laruetactical @hash_slinging_shooter ... Seems as if "Muzzle flashes" would make Tritium kinda hard to see in the heat 💥🔥💥 of the moment. 4 likes
  -  shitcreekinternational @hash_slinging_shooter oh no it wasn't overlooked, I was just laughing at the fella who "apparently" has seen too many movies and thinks Tritium dots on iron sights would be remotely visible with the massive fireballs he's having to overcome 😂😂
  -  hash_slinging_shooter @laruetactical I'm not arguing for tritium on these sights, I'm arguing for tritium in general. 100+ yards away, a muzzle flash from a rifle with a flash hider isn't gonna be blinding you
  -  jeff_k.v6 @zdaltontn Red dots have existed for quite some time now. 2 likes
  -  zdaltontn @laruetactical "town cryer?" sorry to hurt your feelings Mark... it looks like a solid built product.... The chance I might have to shoot a Big Black bear is a lot more likely for me than shooting a human. Red dots usually have a coating and if I get charged I want open sights. AND black bears come out at night-in low light. You've built 80% of what I had in my head. Add some tritium and I'm a buyer, not that you care.
  -  zdaltontn @jeff_k.v6 the coating they usually have cuts down on light transmission. In my experience
  -  zdaltontn @dakadenparadox installed...
  -  zdaltontn @shitcreekinternational If the Tritium is useless when being fired upon adjust sight picture to where the muzzle flashes are.
  -  laruetactical @zdaltontn ... Don't presume what state my feels are in. You must've got a free one with your new MGU. Enjoy 😎 ML
  -  shitcreekinternational @zdaltontn the mental gymnastics required to come up with a scenario to justify needing glowing green dots on handgun optics is impressive. 😂 1 like
  -  zdaltontn @shitcreekinternational I qualified (shot 100%) on my night shoot target for work. No light... just Tritium. I'm used to having them. Nobody "needs" an optic, red dot, sling... etc.... I'm not alone in my opinion on this btw... There's a good reason Top Tier handguns have them from the factory, because they are completely unnecessary? 😂
  -  shitcreekinternational @zdaltontn congratulations? Can you shoot with them? Sure. Should you? Knock yourself out. However it's less precise, and the fact remains that if it's too dark to see the outline of your iron sights it's too dark to identify your target what's beyond it and what's around it and you probably shouldn't be shooting. Unless we're making up this pitch black scenario where you're pinned down by a Vietnamese ambush deep in the jungle😂😂 1 like
  -  zdaltontn @shitcreekinternational Does your car go over 80mph? It doesn't need to... unless you're making up a scenario where you're a race car driver. 😂😂
  -  zdaltontn @laruetactical If you have to explain the last sentence to me it wouldn't be funny to you anymore. Nothing in my machine gun unit is free.... 🙃
  -  zdaltontn @laruetactical disregard Match Grade Upper 😎
  -  shitcreekinternational @zdaltontn 👏😂 nice
desertrat1989 Nice to see a company not only take care of its customers but knows how to do things right !! 1 like
bill9mill Mathematical 🙌
7fabracing 🔥 💪
  -  gospencer1 @laruetactical thanks for the complimentary WA C note! Your loyal customers are still patiently waiting for the LaRue 1911 and 2011 since you posted photos 15 years ago! 🙏 1 like
  -  laruetactical @gospencer1 ... Go shoot that C-Note on your new MGU upper
  -  laruetactical @gospencer1 ... At 25 yards