... LISTEN UP !!! If you have a lower on order, and didn't get us the FFL etc ... Be advised, we ain't slowin' down and we're blowing straight over yours to the next one that checked all the boxes. This is not a good time to dawdle 👀 ML
1,899 likesget_the_roach_ @dirtypog that AR10 lower though 😍 1 like
honcho_allen Mark, out of curiosity, are you guys only sticking with black for awhile with all of the craziness going on? 5 likes
  -  laruetactical @honcho_allen ... Yep 2 likes
  -  thecodystone @laruetactical we need OD pretty please. 2 likes
  -  honcho_allen @thecodystone ye I'd like to get the SURG kit and lower in FDE to match the tranquillo 1 like
  -  thecodystone @honcho_allen FDE is old news broseph. Jump on the ODG or gray train.
  -  honcho_allen @thecodystone I can't stand OD green. Meh I'll stick with black
  -  roaming_91 @honcho_allen there's always spray paint
  -  bunkrmonkey @honcho_allen I just hope they can ship my SUURG kit soon
  -  honcho_allen @bunkrmonkey when did you order yours? Mine was ordered 02/22/2021 in 300 BLK. Probably have a long way to go.
  -  bunkrmonkey @honcho_allen I ordered mine 12/2020 also in 300 blackout sold my honey badger to keep it in the Larue Family 1 like
kernsy71 Hopefully all my boxes are in ✅ now! 1 like
honcho_allen Complete lower took a couple days over a month, ordered 2/11/21
kennyret937 Mine shipped today. Can't wait to assemble my UU! 1 like
kdoepowers Info is all in patiently waiting for that bad boy to ship
desertrat1989 If I order today is it possible to still get one?
ryaneischen Just bought a trigger today. Can't wait for it to come
lsxus__ If i ordered mine through the "internet loophole"......do I get next day delivery? 😂 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @lsxus__ ... The Internet Wormhole 3 likes
  -  lsxus__ @laruetactical Is LaRue going to start building the AR14 for Biden voters? 😂 2 likes
  -  cowtrot @lsxus__ those 14s are only from Chyna 2 likes
thealmightyholland Good thing I have a few extra. Guys these lowers are the bomb. I am planning on getting at least 2 more. Mark just asking here but have you guys thought about the 6.8 SPC?
  -  laruetactical @thealmightyholland ... For half a second. 3 likes
  -  thealmightyholland @laruetactical cool. It's no big deal just asking, Stick with your bread and butter.
juice405 Got mine 🙌 1 like
antnybryan I've had an upper on order since August. Any chance they shipping anytime soon?
daveyelverton Those look like my two. One of each.
adamrbooth Ya SNOOZE ya LOSE
ill_gottengainz Always wanted one
direct.impingement And yet people will still complain here on IG and blame you for not shipping them the lower they ordered 🙄😜
jnbain Just out of curiosity why would the website that says in stock let you order a trigger and then get an email the next day that your order went from ready in stock to back order. Is the website not have a live inventory count 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @jnbain ... Just checked and MBT triggers, both bowed or straight, and neither say they are "In Stock" 🤷 3 likes
  -  jnbain @laruetactical Thank you but that did not really answer the question when I ordered it it was in stock the next day I got an email that said my order has been changed from placed order to back order. I get it you guys are busy you're pumping out awesome product I can wait I was just curious if there was an issue between live inventory readings
  -  crazyornothing @jnbain It looks different for the public probably, I don't think they have a live in stock update on the user end because every time I go to the site it says you can order a trigger as if it Is in stock, but that just puts yours in the backorder line. 1 like
  -  lhanson73 @jnbain the way their website is set up is that unless it has a banner under add to cart that says "in stock" then it's back ordered. It's a really misleading web design but I only had to wait about 3-4 weeks for my trigger to ship which isn't terrible considering the times 2 likes
outlaw59pete I was just happy to see my triggers shipped today. Thanks! 1 like
xcalloudoun 👊 ✍
jordanlrick @laruetactical any word on some quad rails being completed soon?
babbittblades Lol that would be me! Deployed right now and can't get the info from my local gun shops website. I thought their department might fax it over to you but I'll deal with it when I get home.
scotty_gadgets Almost happened to me! Now just waiting on the upper!
epb417 Once status is "Lowers", what's the ETA?
  -  brandent1 @epb417 why you in such a hurry? Planning on doing something bad?
  -  epb417 @brandent1 I had a feeling in the pit of my stomach you would come trolling. 1 like
  -  getmemarlowe @epb417 ETA: President Kamala 2 likes
  -  brandent1 @epb417 I'd hate to let you down 😂 1 like
  -  lincolnlogga @epb417 I got mine in like 2 weeks a few months back. 1 like
  -  epb417 @brandent1 you should order one for your UU as well. Don't put something destitute on it.
  -  kylewhitworthh @epb417 got mine in just over a week 1 like
coyote_killer_casey Just out of curiosity, I'm not bitchin, any eta on the 2 stage triggers shipping? 1 like
  -  realmda13 @coyote_killer_casey I waited 4 weeks for a straight bow. The line isn't going to get any shorter. 6 likes
  -  laruetactical @realmda13 ☝ ... He's right ya know. 5 likes
  -  coyote_killer_casey @realmda13 I think I'm about that far after ordering, not bad 1 like
  -  jmhill2469 @coyote_killer_casey mine took 45 days from day I ordered to the day I received. I should have ordered 3. But ordered the other 2 last week. 1 like
  -  coyote_killer_casey @jmhill2469 I fucked up and probably should have ordered a spare
  -  jmhill2469 @coyote_killer_casey ya that was my fault too lol. It's all good though. I'm gonna send one of them to my old man for his birthday in May. You can't find a better trigger then the MBT 2s . Larue killing the over priced geissele. Not for the AR platform, my opinion anyways.
  -  lsxus__ @coyote_killer_casey precision takes time! I have 4 of their triggers, it's worth the wait 1 like
  -  coyote_killer_casey @jmhill2469 I shot a gun with one in it not long ago and was pretty impressed, and this is not my first trigger by any means. Especially for under 100 with shipping...I can wait a little bit lol.
full_cyclic on the website it just asked for the name of the ffl. is that really all y'all need? don't need the number? 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @full_cyclic ... "... you need to reach out to your FFL, and have them submit a copy of their FFL to juli@larue.com or fax to 512-528-9445 ... be sure they document your order number or your name so that we can match it up. Example - John Doe order # 456321 " 7 likes
  -  itssookay @laruetactical is it acceptable to have my information as well as a copy of the FFL posted on http://www.larue.com/ffl? Just waiting on my order to clear compliance 🙏 1 like
  -  full_cyclic @laruetactical thanks! will do
caseykelver What is the wait time for a new order? I don't see it on your website?
  -  laruetactical @caseykelver ... Ask Kammie@White House.com. Next ? 12 likes
  -  mdunkin75 @caseykelver I'm 9m deep on a 556 PredatOBR. 1 like
  -  full_cyclic @mdunkin75 😢 1 like
  -  laruetactical @mdunkin75 ... We're about to lean into those 💪 1 like
christiantomyn Right on 😎💪 #slinginGuns #freedomtraindontstop
carlkalamon No time to dilly dally. 1 like
jamie.lamar What's the average wait for a stripped lower right now @laruetactical?
  -  laruetactical @jamie.lamar ... Who knows. Next ?
w.nash428 Need AR10
jeremywesson How long is it taking to fulfill UU and lower orders now?
  -  mattt_g @jeremywesson I got my lower within a month, ordered Jan 6th. Still waiting on 16'' AR10 UU and TranQuilo suppressor
  -  jeremywesson @mattt_g appreciate the information
  -  kdoepowers @jeremywesson ordered a 12in UU Tuesday will be here Sat
  -  critstagram @jeremywesson I ordered a 556 16" uu on 3/22 and it shipped 3/23 and hopefully those are my lowers going out
codyy05 I'll take them both thanks
rangeofficerchris Please do another round of FDE lowers!! 1 like
  -  pushing_iron_indy @rangeofficerchris is right, ya know! 1 like
  -  rangeofficerchris @longandlowpeterbilts we can get Mark on board!
sarcasmk1ng Got mine super fast. you get my upper done! LETSS GOOOOOOOO 1 like
jnotsogordo Can I buy from yall and come pick it up in person? I'm in Leander...
  -  honcho_allen @jnotsogordo I'm in Austin and Mark said no. Must pick up where the guberment wants you to
sing_chay No time for Lolly gagging!! 4 likes
duckhnt You tell 'em, Mark. Ain't nobody got time for that 4 likes
tikitembo NY needs your stripped lowers
wschulte402 💪💪
zakamatt Keep that train moving 2 likes
austin.gillooly What's the current lead time on ar10 lowers?
disappointeddan Let me buy one of those passed over!
roman_gsm_ You snooze you lose 2 likes