... They found a used trackhoe to dig that Mega Container ship out of the Suez Canal mud. Soon it won't be blocking our Navy from responding to the worsening Saber rattling situation in Ukraine (should we be needed).
1,318 likesthe.necro.maker Did you see their drift pattern?THEY DREW A PENIS. 2 likes
tundrapilot001 Thank God they found an extended boom...might have been there forever otherwise 1 like
rmiker2 I'm sure a few well placed charges would rectify the situation 9 likes
  -  laruetactical @rmiker2 ... Maybe there's a Conex box bomb on board below the waterline. They'll need more that a trackhoe to get it moved if it gets set off. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 3 likes
metz.111 I get way too much of my news from laruetactical 2 likes
  -  juice405 @metz.111 he is definitely on top of the real stories we should be talking about
misswhatalife This is criminal, correct??!! 2 likes
rooster_cogburn87 The French built it, no wonder it sucks 2 likes
dean.ives It's like using a 5 gallon bucket to throw water out of an Olympic swimming pool
fox_cartagena And the wind has it track a voyage that shaped as an ass getting rammed by a cock n balls too before it stuck 😂
aceman_tx81 Our navy doesn't need the to move if we need to move
kingsley.kane Ukraine don't need your navy,go home please
dalton.bey Lol
mic.flick 😂😂😂
bruceshibley Exactly unload it fast and blow it into pieces. Like how they deal with beaches whales.
legion_vi That's like using a spoon to dig out your truck
breachmarketing The size of that ship is unsettling.
sereniza0228 The 6th Fleet is in Naples, Italy. Why would Suez be needed? Is it going to be that big a showdown?
laruetactical ... "Maritime Mess - Experts fear it might take weeks to clear a ship stuck in the Suez Canal that's blocking nearly 200 vessels. If an especially high weekend tide doesn't dislodge the Ever Given from the sand, helicopters may have to start removing its cargo containers. (Source: WSJ)" 1 like
michael.gill.1968 Maybe they take a playbook from the past and use high pressure water blasting ....6 day war Egypt powered through multiple canal wall locations...might be able to do that under the ship
  -  laruetactical @michael.gill.1968 ... I remember that sneak attack 😎
beefsnguns What happens in the Ukraine is of no concern of ours. It's time that the United States foreign policy is strictly defensive in nature 26 likes
  -  laruetactical @beefsnguns ... Isn't our new Oval Office man a rep for Ukraine 🤷 73 likes
  -  beefsnguns @laruetactical wait I thought it was China. Man gets around 5 likes
  -  j_frank24_ @beefsnguns That never, ever works. 5 likes
  -  jojosoninsta @beefsnguns its anywhere but here in the states apparently. His globalist masters have him well trained 5 likes
  -  jojosoninsta @beefsnguns 100% agree
  -  sailorripley55 @laruetactical That's Hunter. He's solid and in total control.
  -  bdclone @beefsnguns I would love for us to pull out all these countries and tend to our own affairs. The problem is we leave a power vacuum for local warlords and countries like Russia and China. Russia wants control of all its former states and more. China has spent over 1 trillion dollars on their new silk road project. They control every port outside of India in the Indian Ocean, they are controlling more and more areas of the South Pacific, they are giving billions to countries to build infrastructure connecting them with the rest of Asia, Europe, and Africa. 2 likes
  -  bordeth @beefsnguns Biden's an old worn out POS...His geriatric a$$ will do anything for a dollar.
  -  ryan.hancox.1865 @beefsnguns sounds like the 1920's around here. Let's wait till it gets worse and then bleed more to do what we will have to anyway.
  -  my_old_kentucky_homeboy @beefsnguns we've gone too far and now if we pull back the commies will take over everything and use it to destroy us and or invade us if we turn hermit.
j8882018 The Harris regime will do whatever Israel tells them to do. 5 likes
  -  nowaytoretire @j8882018 I think it's actually the Obama regime, act 3. He stayed in DC, is in contact every day with the White House and even talked about being the Man Behind The Curtain in a Colbert interview. He probably calls the speech writers, they put something together and stand Slow Joe in front of the teleprompter. 4 likes
btwtct Hah one trackhoe should do it, no hurry. 5 likes
babdds Interesting name...... Evergreen. 3 likes
  -  pewkev @babdds Killary.... 😗 2 likes
  -  babdds @kevinwin85 BINGO! 1 like
coreypeterson59 I'm not buying the wind story. This thing was drafting at 45 feet in the water, and holding 220,000 tons of cargo plus ship weight, unless there was Cat 5 hurricane winds you would not lose control like that. 20 likes
  -  laruetactical @coreypeterson59 ... I couldn't get the hang of docking my CarlCraft houseboat in a 2 mph breeze🤷 45 likes
  -  coreypeterson59 @laruetactical yeah idk I know they put a professional pilot on those things just to operate the water way and guide the ship so between the captain, chief mate, and waterway pilot this is inexcusable. Evergreen really isn't to blame it would be the waterway pilot at fault. Btw houseboat are notoriously susceptible to wind, we see that a lot at Lake Powell in Utah. Shallow draft and tall boats 1 like
  -  wa55im @coreypeterson59 I heard that it lost power and that's why the wind pushed it. 3 likes
  -  imyrhandyman @coreypeterson59 Winds a big issue with those guys, especially if they loose power as suggested. I'm a retired crane operator from the Port of Charleston & seen them blown around quite a bit while docking, & that's with a couple of tugs on them. 3 likes
  -  thomas_finley @laruetactical I use to dock the 50' x 14' waco safari boat in thunderstorms, these guys are being paid to drive super freighters lol. They can maneuver through a straight in wind. But if the power goes out on one of these vessels it's a whole other story. 1 like
  -  coreypeterson59 @imyrhandyman if they lost power that's completely different I agree. Nice on the crane operation that a crazy position to be in! Looking into the hatch from 120feet up is no joke! I'm a vessel planner for the Port of Long Beach, Oakland, and Seattle. 1 like
  -  imyrhandyman @coreypeterson59 Yea I've seen some crazy stuff during my 25 years. My uncle use to plan the vessels for Mearsk,not sure if it's the same thing,I know it could be a royal pain in the ass though.
  -  coreypeterson59 @imyrhandyman I'm sure very similar, and yea can be a royal pain especially as lines want to load more and over book ships so you have to deal with balance and weight issues, those make for some long days. 1 like
  -  imyrhandyman @coreypeterson59 Yep! Sounds like the same job.
  -  dustyel74 @wa55im the ship called "Evergreen" conveniently lost power just as its passing through the Suez? 👌 There are no coincidences. 1 like
  -  coreypeterson59 @dustyel74 Evergreen is just the company name that owns the ship. The ship name is "Ever Given"
  -  dustyel74 @coreypeterson59 let me rephrase. The ship with the giant "EVERGREEN" painted on the side of it, which happens to be Hillary's USSS codename...." 1 like
averagetactical Should have brought a long stick, that little guy ain't going to do shit.
the_impractical_gunsmith Ukraine and its problems are not our problems. 1 like
  -  the_impractical_gunsmith @dustyeagle83 spoken like someone who enjoys sticking his dick where it doesn't belong. How many people have you Jodied over the years?
  -  the_impractical_gunsmith @dustyeagle83 I'll hand it to you, that's be funny if it was possible...or original.
  -  the_impractical_gunsmith @dustyeagle83 but from what she tells me, that comeback is as weak as your D game.
  -  the_impractical_gunsmith @dustyeagle83 unfortunately I can empathize with being on the receiving end of that
  -  the_impractical_gunsmith @dustyeagle83 also, for the record, the last time a friend of mine was attacked, his attacker got put through a wall.
sereniza0228 Looks like a toy next to the big one
lugh_2020_ Sounds like the easiest place to ambush an approaching navel force lol
  -  843lockdown @lugh_2020_ 🙈
  -  lugh_2020_ @843lockdown not literally clearly 😂 but come on block the mouth Of that straight and hold up and entire fleet lol
  -  titan_rook @lugh_2020_ You mean, like, guerrillas who enjoy oranges too much? Or, a brigade of violent belly button aficionados? 1 like