... All those rushed MGU orders that went up to Washington State, I'm only gonna ask y'all once "Did you notice anything sitting on top of your MGU ... Yes or No ??" 😎 ML
845 likesdrewster_001_ My upper is arriving tomorrow!! Thank you for the rush! 2 likes
- laruetactical @drewster_001_ ... Are you left or right of Mount St. Helens ? 1 like
- drewster_001_ @laruetactical unfortunately I am on the left side. And believe me we have a plan to leave soon. 2 likes
- ban_dit0073 @drewster_001_ I'm deep behind enemy lines, too. Pierce/King County area, I feel your pain. 1 like
- starkesea @drewster_001_ lefts sides the best side 1 like
- drewster_001_ @starkesea yeah I can see why you would say that.
- starkesea @drewster_001_ grew up in Yakima and my entire family lives all across eastern WA Spokane and central down to Sunnyside. Moved to Seattle because of college and opportunities but definitely brought my rifles and pistols with me. Eastern Washington is years behind. If new law passes I guess I'll be adding another can and a bolt gun
- starkesea @drewster_001_ but trust me I'm looking to move to Phoenix ASAP 1 like
- drewster_001_ @starkesea I'm from Grandview. Almost anything west of I-5 has gone down the drain and pretty soon the entire west coast will be a democratic utopia. It's time to pack my bags and let the rats have the trash.
claytonthisone Got mine yesterday! Can't wait to send some rounds down range!
- laruetactical @claytonthisone ... Thoughts on the C-Note ?
- laruetactical @claytonthisone ... Is it lined up when you throw the rifle to your shoulder ?
- claytonthisone @laruetactical I hit about 3" off center at 25 yards with it, first shot. It'll live in my range bag as a backup for my optics. I immediately trust it mire than the magpul flip ups lol. Wish I'd gone with larue for all my builds, this upper is a TACK DRIVER!
- laruetactical @claytonthisone ... Clayton, you're in luck. Flip the rear blade over to the lefty side (but shoot it right-handed) and you'll be 4" left of that first hole you shot that hit 3" to the right ... which should put you 1" left of the bullseye. Ha, you made me put on my thinking cap 😎
- claytonthisone @laruetactical my follow up shots were great, I'm just garbage with iron sights lol. I meant my statement in support of your product! No zeroing, bad with irons and the first time I used it got me that close! I was impressed 👍
- laruetactical @claytonthisone ... Well okay dammit. But heck, if you decide you want to move you POI 4" left, flip the dang rear blade over 😎
5_shot_leather_llc Nice! This state is so messed up. Luckily Idaho is only a 15 minute drive. Can't wait to leave. 4 likes
fa1rch1ld Mine comes in tomorrow!!
- laruetactical @fa1rch1ld ... Go staple a paper pie plate 10 yards away and come back and tell us if you hit it 😎 2 likes
trampis Apparently the C-Note is backordered. I ordered it yesterday, how long before mine ships out?
radiac_svcs That is cool!
wiley.mark Damn. Wish I'd gotten in on that
iviark5 Irons ! 3 likes
lowlite007 More info!
alecbinks Damn! 🔥😈😨 1 like
bradleyaten Cool shit 1 like
milesnmilesoftexas 🤠🍀 u s ⭐ u s 🍀🤠
gospencer1 Thanks @laruetactical ! Mine also arrives tomorrow! NW of Mt St Helen's! How about you and Todd fly up here and put on a long range class? E. WA has vast spaces of vacant land we can shoot at. 1 like
jeffbryantformayor @captain_pcronin