... In-house chatter this fine Monday morning 😎 ML
492 likessweshooter Appreciate you guys!! 2 likes
brooksdorsey Super based 2 likes
b_converse Thanks for your support!
evlgreg If Colorado passes their new laws there will be no window of shipping time. The law would go into effect immediately upon the governor's signature. No uppers or lowers, no threaded barrels, and so much more. 1 like
sp0kanistani Thanks Mark .. we appreciate it.
bob_ricigliano So what all are they banning now? 1 like
  -  anorexic_hamsters @bob_ricigliano Intelligence 10 likes
  -  ban_dit0073 @bob_ricigliano everything that has to do with magazine fed semi automatic rifles and pistols. 3 likes
  -  bob_ricigliano @ban_dit0073 more than just mags then? 2 likes
  -  ban_dit0073 @bob_ricigliano they are banning all semi automatic rifles and pistols that take detachable magazines and basically all the parts to assemble or repair them. They are also making it so you can't transfer your semi auto firearms to a family member or sell them out of state through a FFL. 2 likes
  -  bob_ricigliano @ban_dit0073 come to SC, shits normalish here and I have a great outdoor range 60mins from Charleston. 1 like
tom_untamed2.0 You all are a class act! 2 likes
gospencer1 Thank you Team Larue!🔥
andrewspey That's what we like to see!
csolstice032018 SEND IT! 2 likes
chachimcflex 👑👑👑
joshlajiness Right on, when will my two lowers ship out to WA? Placed the order last Friday @laruetactical