... While digging for ammo earlier, I had myself a prime idea ... can you spot it ? ML
320 likesgunner_texas_03 You are not going to build a shotgun 3 likes
sticks.mckinley My favorite kinds of bookends. I've been doing that for years. 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @sticks.mckinley ... Winner winner, prairie chicken dinner 💪
gunner_texas_03 😂 1 like
josh.macintyre Nice book set. Origins of the right to bear arms! 🔥 1 like
thirtythree_three You're going to start a 4th Reich that will begin by invading the Canucks with the help of Brad Thor's prior clandestine work? 1 like
governorperry Verified Not Between Brothers....one of the finest novels of Texas history!!! 👍🏼 6 likes
jointdocshields Put me down for 1 LaRue Tactical shotgun please 1 like
yorick_drd What?! A book about French special forces... Good choice 😉👍🏼 FR