... Can't find the one I'm looking for. 🤷
357 likesdrfrenchjr It's good to have choices!
ricochettactical The leupold prismatic was my favorite to bad its been discontinued. I think if they would have updated the elections it would been a kick ass sight. One can inly dream of a update comeback.
siegrisj #firstworldproblems
hey_phuk_you Why did a horrible U2 song pop into my head? 😂
may_the_forst_be_with_u Optic variety goals.
dmcwilliam.762 If all those scopes are in your way I'd be happy to take care of them for you 😁
keegan.asher @laruetactical do you have any opinion on ZCO?
tallen805 It's the big black one with the big black knobs😆
mikecheckmike ALL the problems 😉
disappointeddan Let me buy that accupoint