... Years ago AR15.com had an ongoing thread going where you shot five 5-shot groups on one sheet of paper and they had to average under 1 MOA. Here I shot eight 5-shot groups in a row and it averages 0.745 MOA. Here's how this shook out. With a virgin 20" TranQuilo-equipped 6.5CM barrel, the first three shots out of the barrel measured under a half inch. Hmmm. I decided I had a laser in my hands, so I took a crack at the bullseye with 8 shots. I touched the "X" 6 out of 8 shots 😎 I then had the guys give it a good cleaning, then shot the eight 5-shot groups with 1 minute between shots. I'm not an expert, nor am I a competition shooter, but I'm calling this rifle accurate enough to do some serious work with 🎯 ML
575 likescpl0313 Where's the stapler or tape measure?
- laruetactical @cpl0313 ... We clear tape our LaRue targets onto 18" x 36" cardboard backers. I measure with a 6" LaRuler ... 2nd pic.
- cpl0313 @laruetactical my comment was a throw back to the old days on arfcom and the dinner pics.
- laruetactical @cpl0313 ... Ahhhh, the days of yesteryear
tac52_ Very nice! 1 like
mp2day When I don't mess up, my PredatOBR shoots 5/8" 5-shot groups 1 like
cardinal_tactical With the rifles YOU build, I certainly call you an expert shooter! 1 like
kevin_nagle63 Back in the day before Arfcom was a cesspool. I miss those days. 1 like
- laruetactical @kevin_nagle63 ... #metoo 1 like
- kevin_nagle63 @laruetactical I used to do a Christmas Dillo giveaway every year on Arfcom, site was full of a lot of solid guys. Not so much any more.
- laruetactical @kevin_nagle63 ... 5 or so years back, I got banished to the LaRue Forum ... and then my oldest daughter set me up on Instagram and soon after I got a new phone and it forgot my ARF password ... and well, I'm a little busy anyhow. 🤷 1 like
- kevin_nagle63 @laruetactical yep, I remember when it happened. You aren't missing anything, I still pop in once in awhile, not really worth my time.
- kywitrap @kevin_nagle63 I got a time out a couple months ago. Asked for a ban. Glad I did. GD is dog shit anymore. Mods have to bow down to the Brownells gods. Hard pass 1 like
- icecoldmn @laruetactical I sure miss the days when you would tell them where the bear shit in the woods, it was so refreshing to see someone stand up for themselves and their product and let the cards fall where they may. It was after reading one of those threads many years ago, I bought my first LaRue as I felt if your guns had as much character as you they must be good. Now you might say I'm a LaRue whale. Keep up the great work and nice shooting🔥 2 likes
- laruetactical @kywitrap ... I don't see any change ... Mods always have had an agenda ... their own agenda. 2 likes
- charliesclones @kevin_nagle63 a looong time ago 🙁 1 like
j_frank24_ I'll trade you a BFR for a range day! 1 like
gasoperated How about some 6.5 TOBR barrels for sale.
fucyea_murica_ I call that a key hole. #keyhole
thirtythree_three I thought the AR15.com challenge was that all groups had to be under 1MOA, not just the average. My memory must be getting foggy.
- laruetactical @thirtythree_three ... I don't know either, but here ... it's my way or the highway 😎 1 like