... Was watching "HunterKiller", a submarine movie. The Russkies shot one of our guys that was quite a ways under water. Mythbusters featured water penetration of fired bullets. Not sure why as it wasn't a myth... Col. Hatcher published his findings on same topic long ago in his "Hatcher's Notebook". Anyhow, my pool 💦 is deep enough to save me from strafing MIGs - ML
1,031 likesmekon76 M48 torpedo in the pool will end most people.
billsnearly Too shallow an angle and the bullet will ricochet. It travels about 8" above the water surface and can travel across the lake.
sandy__mitchell Wow thats very interesting 🤔
justn84 if the depleted uranium bullet doesnt kill ya ... 1 like
almostprecision Watch out for frogmen with SPP-1 pistols
ar15news @pnwarms used to make an underwater bullet 2 likes
laruetactical ... Like I posted in this thread earlier - my IG page is my dinner table. Everyone is a guest until they are not anymore. 50 likes
46wlf46 Snow piles are a very effective backstop/ cover too.
We like "mining" where the piles were after they melt.
jeeparoni It was a special episode, as they were busting movie magic things. I can't remember what else they "busted" but I remember it being an interesting episode.
thirtythree_three If you haven't seen the movie with Charlie Sheen, then that's why you don't know it is a myth. Just watch the last 20 minutes
thearcangelwelder Super sonic m1 garand 😂.........
williambeppu Except if you have a Russian APS. Range 30m at 5m depth! I would love to fire one.https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/APS_underwater_rifle 1 like
mikefz33 The guy getting shot bothered you but not the 400 foot submarine making 90° turns?
  -  laruetactical @mikefz33 ... Are you saying subs have to go all the way around earth in order to get back to Norfolk ? 2 likes
  -  austin_5.56 @laruetactical no, but they dont go all tokyo drift and stuff like that 2 likes
_davidmatthew_ Same shit in Saving Private Ryan.
kaiulll Pretty cool. I have seen a guy shoot a Glock underwater in his pool and the bullet lost all velocity within 3 feet. Dont try this at home! You need special modifications or else your glock will blow up! Also I think the only AR that can shoot underwater is a 416OTB.
spdl35 Its all good and well, till the Russians pull out their APS's and SPP-1's, then your gonna get ventilated by some big ass underwater FMJ darts. 😵
barnegat16 Shooting glocks under water in the pool is frowned upon at my buddies house, but it's happened.... 2 likes
fast507 Are strafing MiG's a problem in your neighborhood? Shit. Around here, I just have to shotgun the occasional drone. Your neighborhood sounds way cooler.
metz.111 You should look into the xcav underwater rounds. Some company named DSG out of norway produced these crazy bullets that form a gas bubble around them that can carry energy through like 60m of water. The ballistics gel testing is absolutely horrifying to watch
robby.baldridge Didn't they have catastrophic fragmentation on almost every supersonic round in a later episode when firing into a pool at an angle?
thedollarsportsman This makes The Italian Job so much more tragic
jasonbabal That was a great episode of Mythbusters
miniuteman_model_works How about allowing me to carry my own so I can stop the attack in the first place 1 like
  -  laruetactical @miniuteman_model_works ... Carry your own swimming pool 💦 ? 2 likes
venatordaemn I remember seeing that episode on myth busters
parabellumgenetics_ That was a decent flick👏 1 like
chumbief Where can i get a supersonic M1 Garand? 7 likes
  -  laruetactical @chumbief ... grab a tanker Garand and climb into a MIG. 10 likes
mdrumscarter ok you now have me looking at my pool 😂 hummm 1 like
vine_matt Horrible movie. From a former Submariner, these are the only acceptable sub movies: Hunt For Red October, Das Boot (in German), Run Silent Run Deep! Gun info cool though. 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @vine_matt ... I liked it and my dad was a submariner. Sometimes you just gotta check reality at the theater door. 19 likes
  -  vine_matt @laruetactical agreed
  -  outofspec.mojo @vine_matt what about crimson tide?
  -  vine_matt Meh, decent enough, but the mutiny bothered me. "A captain shall have absolute authority upon their ship!" 1 like
  -  mekon76 @vine_matt Russian film 72 Metres was excellent.
  -  83gmck2500 @vine_matt what about Down Periscope?! 5 likes
  -  vine_matt @83gmck2500 LOL, almost put it on the list. The movie is bad, but the portrait of personalities is spot on. On our boat a mechanic had horrible gas that could literally clear a room, the electricians would play "who can take the highest voltage" from a crank Meg-ohmmeter and the Sonar guys well, let's just say they are a special breed. 1 like
livdelicously Thats a big roger. Duly noted * out swim the mrs and hold breath until they are out if ammo. 😂 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @livdelicously ... Made me laugh 😂 1 like
  -  livdelicously @laruetactical 7 mins ago i bought 3 of your triggers. Small world. 👏👏 1 like
angrygingertx John Wick 3 did the underwater gun fight perfectly. 1 like
chaseb896 I actually watched that episode.
ryanconstco 🙌hahahahaha reality with no audience; the world that our children have been taught under our very noses
gwerkin88 I love that movie.....and yes I laughed at that part.
parabellumgenetics_ Martinelli !!!!!!!