... Yo ! Sidney Powell dillos are starting to go out, 100 last week, 150 more this week. Did any of you get yours yet? And no, I won't apologize for the seeming lack of success. We pays our money and takes our chances. There's no way we could've known the Supreme Court be like it is, but it do. 🤷 ML
984 likesdef3va Received mine in VA on Thursday. 1 like
derek1387 I got a 2020 holiday dillo with my order.
bradleyaten I got mine, thank you for doing these and the Nolo dillos
blue_collar_savage Military is the only way. Everyone should have known the SC wouldn't hold up their end
dune_shoot I got one, waiting on a 2nd. It was a good try. 1 like
aztrapper Republicans somehow manage to take L's even worse than democrats lmao 4 likes
  -  laruetactical @aztrapper ... ????
  -  twss_1979 @aztrapper democrats take multiple L's daily. They're mostly just too dumb to realize it.
  -  aztrapper @twss_1979 like what? Boomers will all be gone in 15 years and were tricked into remaining the least threatening, least active group for the duration of their existence. There goes the bulk of the neocon voting block. They beat you
  -  twss_1979 @aztrapper wow you use really fancy meaningless words. I guess we'll see in 2024.
  -  z_amerijuanican @aztrapper for someone who looks like they appreciate the 2nd amendment, you sure do also seem willing to get on your knees and give it all up to the dems on a silver platter. Boomers may be gone in 15 years but your guns might be gone in less than 4 thanks to your dumbass mindset 4 likes
  -  r0ll0_ @aztrapper hey look it's a fat "boog boi" who thinks he's edgy. When the Dems ban your guns you'll either hand them in or be gunned down by the alphabet boys first. You're a joke. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @aztrapper ... "L's" ??? 2 likes
  -  aztrapper @z_amerijuanican oh no, laws are so scary
  -  aztrapper @r0ll0_ so what exactly is your solution?
  -  r0ll0_ @aztrapper stand with anyone who is pro gun against the anti gun agenda that's becoming more powerful by the day. Spread real information about firearms and put our money towards fighting them in Washington. Fighting them in Washington is a hell of a lot easier than your backyard.
  -  aztrapper @r0ll0_ lmao, "please bro vote harder and spend more money so they can come for your rights every year this is what freedom is bro"
  -  meatsweatsmike @laruetactical "L's" are referring to losses, Mr LaRue
rmefbowhunter Mine is scheduled for delivery the 16th
kernsy71 Got mine on Friday! Goes great with my other red dillo!
andycaldwell999 6 out of the 9 Supreme Court Justices are Catholic. There was no way in Hell that deepstate captured court was going to allow Trump to stay in office. They serve the Vatican first and foremost, the U.S. Constitution comes second. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @andycaldwell999 ... So we need to filibuster while repeating the Rosary over and over ? 4 likes
davidcloudramos Amen 🙏
cpl0313 Got mine on February the 26th 1 like
jsko_svt Got mine last week, thank you!
pastorbrianf I got mine a almost two weeks ago now. Now just waiting on my 20"UU 🤩.
tomfrischmgr I'm on part 3 chapter 8 for@the fourth time.
blue06lj Got mine
pedantic_platypus Wasnt Ayn Rand a bit of a nutter though?
  -  laruetactical @pedantic_platypus ... Says the "Toilet Philosopher" ... ?
  -  pedantic_platypus @laruetactical some of homo sapiens most profound insights (metaphysical, autodidactic, deontological, etc)...occur when we are on the can. But no, seriously, joking attempts to sound smarter than I actually am aside, didnt Rand have some wayyy out there assertions that just werent consistent with reality, assertions that were reflected in her works? Her behavior when fielding questions at speaking events is a bit of a red flag/eyebrow raiser (for me). I can definitely jive with the "no commies allowed" vibe, but i still have questions.
  -  laruetactical @pedantic_platypus ... I'm a better shot than I am a speaker, so I won't fault her handling of the Cancel Culture Plankholders that McCarthy was hunting down.
jkedsnake Not yet, I thought I wouldn't. I honestly would of contributed the cash anyway.
phoenixtacticalsolutions My favorite book.
sumziandi Yep, they're magnetic too. First LaRue bottle opener to stick to the fridge.
universodotiro @armaz1911 Armazem olha que.top 1 like
pmform1 Got mine last week. Now just make a 6.5CM barrel cartridge for the tobr and I will be all set.
will_dissent That's because SCOTUS is not the saviour! The whole of Federal gov't is corrupted! Prior to Nov. 03, 2020 people needed to vote .... according to voting totals a little over 150 mil voted in the 2020 election. most recent census has USofA population over 330 mil , by 1980s math thats less than 1/2 of the total population voted!! the other 1/2 either can't or won't vote!! the alinsky tactics are winning!!
wtsmith3159 Not yet. 😮
stevenmcclay6921 Mark as always you go way above and beyond to defend the Constitution and the 2A. Thank you!
freakinout Time for a Texit dillo 3 likes
nathingtwo 👏Been waiting
dariiien Hopefully I get one when my upper ships! 👌🏽
maples14 Received mine. It was worth a shot! 1 like
judsonmerrell0418 Got mine yesterday.
thatgalwayguy Unfortunately, Sidney was all talk and no action.
  -  laruetactical @thatgalwayguy ... Naw, she was just in front of the Supreme Court. We new the hill was steep cause BiglyTech held all the cards. 6 likes
  -  laruetactical @laruetactical ... knew 3 likes
mldavis07 These would have been better with Mark's face on it. 😎
guardianfirearmco Got mine last week, thanks LaRue!
edc.medic I missread that product name the first time around...😆
stevieb117 "You seek escape from pain. We seek the achievement of happiness. You exist for the sake of avoiding punishment. We exist for the sake of earning rewards. Threats will not make us function, fear is not our incentive. It is not death we wish to avoid, but life we wish to live!" John Galt. 2 likes
divingdriver Received mine a few weeks ago. Thanks Mark for all you do for the 2A community 👍
mraglan I got mine last week.
homegrownedc @rotten.design
barnegat16 I think mine has been back ordered since b4 the pandemic. It's ok. Your MRO and mount shipped overnight so the guns are happy. 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @barnegat16 ... It wasn't backordered. Your donation went immediately to Sidney Powell. Due to the Great Gun Rush caused by the ECR ( Election, Covid, and Riots), we're a little backed up on getting out the "Thanks For Your Donation" dillos. 🤷 5 likes
  -  barnegat16 @laruetactical like I said, it's all good. I'm a fan. 👏
thecodystone I got mine last week. Thanks @laruetactical. I will be putting a Mrs. potato head sticker over her face. 1 like
j_frank24_ Not yet.
jay3076 Got mine a couple weeks ago actually ... came out great
michaelsmith9405 I got two of the four I ordered Friday sir.....Thanks!!!!!
frinkovich Sad I missed out on this. 😢
charles_helm Received mine.
bigjoe29er It's about time!! I placed my order a long while back!! Probably more than 6 months ago.
  -  laruetactical @bigjoe29er ... The date was 11/25/20, and it wasn't backordered. And your donation went immediately to Sidney Powell. Due to the Great Gun Rush caused by the ECR (Election, Covid, and Riots), we're a little backed-up on getting out the "Thanks For Your Donation" dillos. 1 like
  -  pumbaajk Stop being that guy... I ordered a mount about a month ago and don't anticipate it being here anytime soon. I know I bought in the height of the 2021 gun rush and know it takes time.
  -  laruetactical @pumbaajk ... If it was an LT-104, you'll likely have it this week.
  -  pumbaajk @laruetactical rmr tube mount. It's not a big deal and I'll wait on it.
  -  1rblank Not getting your dillo yet must really be holding up your build
  -  laruetactical @1rblank ... Nope, Not related/intertwined 1 like
bruceshibley Are they still available? I missed this. 1 like
  -  mldavis07 I may have a few extras.
altcarbon1980 I still got my Dillo gifted to me in 2009.... Its gonna be a family airloom 😎🤙
mr.mercury24 This is my girlfriend's favorite writer
leigh42513 Got mine! Thanks🙌
kevinmichael_67 Got mine a couple days ago.
kevinmichael_67 Great book.