Well, well, well...this is an interesting blast from the past device. ML #1911 #larue #laruetactical #precisionrifles #precisionmachining #megaprecision #behindthescenes #howsitsmade #deadcenterofprecision
315 likeserik.stenn What are we looking at ?
  -  reardenxmetal @erik.stenn like really. All this looks like is a wall full of pressure washer heads like something out of a SAW movie 1 like
shark13371773 slide holders? 1 like
nj.jt.rangetime Thumb safety? 1 like
whitefang721 We all know you can't make a 1911 or 2011 Mark. Quit fooling. 2 likes
cowtrot Sand blaster?
gospencer1 @laruetactical Mark your speaking my language! Just like we talked at Shot Show, I'm ready to send you money 💸💸💵💵💰💰 for a Larue 1911 and 2011! 3 likes
ttran_86 Looks like a plain pop tart hahahah
tanstaafl_satx Joe Rogan's scalp after another hair transplant?
diy_rine Look at the silhouette of the parts that used to be there. 1 like
6creedmoorshooter That's a lot of dikfers.
erik.stenn Hammer time lol
  -  laruetactical @erik.stenn ... Winner winner, chicken dinner 1 like