... Anybody got a Linebaugh they need a nice flap holster for ? ML
430 likesjointdocshields Very nice
ahaley1775 Beautiful six shooters. Sure wish I had a need. I'll go be poor somewhere else. 😂 1 like
mark_133_navy 👋🙋Not a Linebaugh, Bisley 45 Colt (Ruger Black Hawk) Twin cylinder for 45 ACP 👌👍
spentbrasscasing The Buffalo Bores are ass kickers. They pack a punch.
soar_wave Very nice! I'm still working my way up with. 480
mckeonekert That's a hog leg right there! 1 like
sereniza0228 What's the Martini Henry chambered in?
  -  laruetactical @sereniza0228 ... 22 Long Rifle 1 like