... Not sure I let y'all see what our lowers look like before they get anodized ... As you can see, the tumbling and blasting make one continuous surface, free of so-called "fingerprints" ... oops, wait, I see I smudged a grubby fingerprint on this one. 💀 ML
4,966 views; 528 likesbriarbfirearms Can I haz it?
jakemw7 Is this an ar14? 4 likes
redoak.sooner B.E.A.UTIFUL 😍
desertrat1989 Since there is a grubby fingerprint on it I would happily purchase this bad boy!! 1 like
savenomcoach Nice
2ndvette I'll take that one off your hands so that your track record is perfect. 1 like
senpai_32918 Do you guys make ambi Lowers also? @laruetactical
- laruetactical @senpai_32918 ... Still trying to keep up with 90% of the market, the right hand ones. 👀 1 like
gsdpanzer That is some beautiful machining. Well done
dune_shoot 'Signature Blemish sale'!
unhinged.srt Masterpiece
saylor @laruetactical any "Virus Survivor" marked lowers? Maybe "TP Wars 2020" ?
ebdt2 It looks great that way, without anodizing. Star Wars whitish lower. 🤘
twojsdad Can you ask someone to please take a look at my Ultimate Upper Kit? You guys did an RMA when the BCG locked up tight after 90 rounds and I had to beat it out with a hammer. Looks like the cam pin was not rotating and the gas tube was misaligned. I've been told it was on the bench for two weeks now.
- laruetactical @twojsdad ... I sent them a screenshot of your post with a "WTFO ?!?!"
- twojsdad @laruetactical Thanks, last call today was that there was no way to know how long it would take and the I shouldn't expect a call to discuss what was found, that it would just show back up one day in the future. I don't "think" that is the standard of service you guys strive for? Now, If we could get my lower shipped out and my upper all fixed up . . .
- laruetactical @twojsdad ... Do me a favor, email me the tracking number it came to us on - mark (@) larue (dot) com
zengland Any ETA when we should be able to order one, Mark?