... Do it damn it !! Lest I never get to ever shoot a Perazzi, and my cousins never get to handle an 1100 !!
931 likestomwkearns Too busy floating around on yachts with private security to do things like that, apparently. 35 likes
  -  laruetactical @tomwkearns ... Years ago I saw skeet shooting on yachts "Lifestyles of the Rich & Famous" 🤷 18 likes
  -  donbsd @laruetactical if I had a yacht I'd def shoot clays off of it 2 likes
user992774910r8 Imagine thinking the NRA gives a shit about gun rights these days. 26 likes
adventures_in_rewelds The nra doesn't care about your rights, they only want your money. 15 likes
ghostmarmot Maybe the @gunownersofamerica or the @gunpolicy could do something like that. The NRA would never do anything like that. 5 likes
squ1rp NRA are limp dick DC sycophants 3 likes
divingdriver Unless we band together as one we shall surely fall. Quote from "Chesty Puller" maybe. 1 like
  -  titan_rook @divingdriver Chesty may have paraphrased this quote but, it was originally Benjamin Franklin's comment at the time of the signing of the Declaration of Independence: "We must all hang together, or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately." July of 1776.
kopfjaeger01 Damn! You hang out with dudes that own Perazzi's??? I am impressed, truly a man of culture! Blaster culture, but culture! 🤣🤣
sooty_diesel Needs to be done 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 1 like
spentbrasscasing I shot trap from the back of a Norwegian cruise ship in the mid 90's. There was not one person had ever shot a shotgun before except me. Not that I'm an expert, but I could not miss those lofted clays out the back. The rest of the cruise those folks thought I was some sort of trick shooter! 6 likes
ashton278 @nra has been really quiet, y'all might want to start sending money to @gunpolicy and @gunownersofamerica 3 likes
theathomeffl NRA BoD has an "emergency meeting" on Sunday. Looks like one or two directors were shocked that the NRA is in bankruptcy. Where will they get their money now? 3 likes
  -  lkcrome @theathomeffl apparently they think they'll get it from at least 2 or 3 times a month... stupid shits can't even figure out I've been a life member for way long time. Instills confidence, huh 1 like
atxrussell Does it involve private jets? 3 likes
paul7.62x39 Buy a membership and expect nothing but a flashlight or a handbag. 😂.
theleglesschef_ Hey, so it says that loans do not apply section 2 paragraph (B). Trust me I hate legislation but loaning does not apply
robert.swope NRA does nothing anymore. All they do is bitch mildly when there's a proposal to erode gun rights, and ask for money. Never do they actually make a serious push to expand gun rights. They are the BLM of gun rights. They always want to bitch and ask for money, but fail when it comes time to introduce and push for legal reform. 3 likes
chuckrichards1738 The NRA isn't going to help you or anyone at all. 2 likes
dahveed1187 Come join the SAF. The SAF has MUCH better lawyers and doesn't simply pander to politicians through lobbying like the NRA does. Litigation is the best way to effect meaningful change and defeat oppressive gun ownership laws. 3 likes
motoxjunky NRA is a joke. They don't care about gun legislation, just their membership fees and donations. 6 likes
  -  han_brolo_760 @motoxjunky but, they send out pens..
brian_perdue_actual #gunownersofamerica 1 like
thecodystone The only thing the NRA has done for years is call you over and over, asking for more money. 1 like
richardblacketer Is the NRA even relevant anymore. I've had life membership for years and as far as I can tell all they do is make slap their name on shitty products and try to sell them to me. 2 likes
lost_soul12151791 Folks don't believe me when I point out just how anti 2A the NRA has actually been thru the years.