... Boomer repost ... Note that's a 50-shot group at 500 yards 🎯 ML
549 likesmckeonekert LaRue .308 cow elk at 460 yds by me. 1 like
billsnearly Is that simulated ammo less expensive? It sure shoots good!
icecoldmn And that is why I own a couple 🔥
hunter47525 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
gsprague 50 shots over how long? Any idea?
dhatty22 Can't wait for my 308 PredaTaR build!
sardinx Any word on upper kits in stock? 1 like
  -  josh_outdoorz @sardinx I concur 1 like
68revolver One ragged hole!
reed_mccarty But but, you've been misleading us with your shot groups!!!!! 1 like
  -  laruetactical @reed_mccarty ... I haven't been shooting 50-round groups at 500 yards 😎 2 likes
raville8 @tacfire_dave gas gun for the PR class!
custosdevelopmentgroup @laruetactical Any possibility of the ultimate upper kits coming in stock soon?