... Quality goes in ... before the name goes on 😎 ML
330 likesvangc83 Today while on duty, I saw an older lady, probably in her 70's rockin a LaRue hat. I went and said hello and asked about her hat. Her response, "I buy a lot of their triggers. They're the best out there; all my rifles have them." We traded LaRue stories and went out separate ways. Like you said, quality goes in before the name goes on it! 4 likes
esqphoto Just saw the Siete barrels hit the website. Awesome @laruetactical. I'm gonna shoot my 6.5 CM out probably by the end of the year! 😂 1 like
jmguill22 👏👏👏👏👏
davidewade Zenith slogan, love it !
tedparkdesign 👏
ahaley1775 New case for the Siete?
mp2day Fact