... Speaking of suppressors, there's a great Firearms News write-up first posted last year about our LaRue TranQuilo. https://www.firearmsnews.com/editorial/legacy-sports-citadel-levtac92-arriving- july-2020/376357 ... Go find it and give it a read. And be advised, you can still buy a TranQuilo for just $400 at the time you order a LaRue Ultimate Upper Kit. In these crazy political times, might as well get the clock ticking on one. Like everything we sell, you don't pay until we make and ship it u s ML
832 likeslongrangesurfer Tranquilo order placed on 4/8/21! Patiently standing by. 1 like
  -  craigthomas4699 @longrangesurfer Placed my order on election night. The worst part is, I know the wait from the ATF/FBI to approve my stamp will be longer. 1 like
  -  tobasco_cat.45 @longrangesurfer 11/20 and still waiting for it to be sent to FFL 1 like
  -  longrangesurfer @craigthomas4699 hopefully they'll crank out a batch soon…
chumbief I ordered and received an ultimate upper kit about 4 weeks ago and there was no option for the tranquilo. Still no option now. How are we as customers supposed to know and take advantage is this???? @laruetactical 1 like
  -  iviark5 @chumbief call customer service and see what they can do. Same thing here didn't see any option on the drop down menu for 5.56 or 7.62. 1 like
  -  chumbief @iviark5 i mean, i already received the UUK, got it 10 days after ordering (fucking badass shipping times btw) but had I known I could get a suppressor for four hundred bucks I would have totally taken him up on that deal. 1 like
  -  twojsdad @chumbief Call sales, they will hook you up!
  -  laruetactical @chumbief ... No telling how many additional Ultimate Upper Kits we could've sold had we not buried the $400 Deal in an unfindable way 💀
ryanchilders259 Well looks like I've found my next upper for my hog slayer. I just got my MBT-2s in for my "pistol" build and I'm in love lol, thank you for providing great products. 1 like
mr.mccrackin Will the TranQuilo deal available with the purchase of a Siete?
evlgreg Is this retroactive?
kabl3y @fikemr 1 like
kodiak_precision I need another Tranquilo anyway so time for a UUK too! 1 like
vin.cert Awesome!! im still in limbo on mine. Worth the wait though.
davisjackson__ Mark you should send one to @pewsciencellc for sound testing 2 likes
commissar_larkin @pewsciencellc when do we get to see testing?
  -  laruetactical @commissar_larkin ... What's with the odd memes you post? Help a boomer out ....
  -  commissar_larkin @laruetactical stoic qoutes such as Seneca over more modern scifi universe I enjoy. Allows the deliverance of stoic philosophies to younger generation in dire need of them. 1 like
  -  pewsciencellc @commissar_larkin it would be a pleasure to test a Larue silencer. 6 likes
  -  laruetactical @pewsciencellc ... Mr. Pew, LaRue has a big "R" in it, and you're IG page says you're not following me on Instagram 🤷 6 likes
  -  southernsaxon @commissar_larkin Ave Imperator Commissar. 1 like
  -  pewsciencellc @laruetactical I am the owner, Jay, posting from the corporate account. @thejaysituation follows you. 3 likes
2ndvette I can say the can is really good. Run it on a few different hosts, including my OBR. Thinking about another one so have less swapping to do. 1 like
jamesbrooks1986 Im looking forward to one and a bipod. Definitely on my shopping list sir.
john_t_fisherman Wait - what?! In for 1
mikeb945 One of those would go well with a Siete. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @mikeb945 ... Perhaps with the $400 TranQuilo deal ? 6 likes
  -  mikeb945 @laruetactical exactly
fishingm90 I really want to see a @pewsciencellc write up and analysis on the TranQuilo. Although, if the review goes the way I think it will, these will be sold out for years. 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @fishingm90 ... I've spent $300 at the oyster bar at Truluck's ... buy the $400 deal and drag it down your driveway. There, tested. 😎 3 likes
  -  fishingm90 @laruetactical boss I have one on order along with my 6.5 cm UU kit. Been waiting patiently for 6 months. Will send you a video, but highly doubtful she'll be drug across the concrete though 2 likes
sshalayko I emailed you guys last week when I didn't see the option on the UU kit anymore and was told that deal is over. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @sshalayko ... I asked that same question to my drunken I.T. guy 🍺 and he assured me it was still live. Conversing with him through Inebriated.com's chat room has been an issue in the past. 6 likes
  -  sshalayko @laruetactical Sober him up so I can order another upper kit 👍🏻 2 likes
  -  twojsdad @sshalayko sales@larue.com should know all about it, I ordered a couple a few months back and one was for a 5.56 UUK where it was ever offered on the order page.
  -  thecodystone @twojsdad it's only an option on the .308,6.5, or .260 big boys.
  -  twojsdad @thecodystone No, you can call sales to add on to a 5.56 UUK as well. I have two waiting on stamps now, one for my 14.5" 5.56 and one for my 18" 6.5 CM. 1 like
  -  thecodystone @thecodystone I stand corrected. They changed it on their site to have the option now. 1 like
  -  twojsdad @thecodystone Nice, it used to not be available at time of order, you had to call it in. 2 likes
  -  thecodystone @twojsdad so they shipped to your FFL? 1 like
  -  laruetactical @twojsdad ... Our Drunken I.T. guy, Foster Brooks, made it where you could tell it was a thing 5 likes
  -  twojsdad @thecodystone Yup, had them in my hands a few weeks back. 8 month wait . . . Now just waiting on stamps!
  -  twojsdad @laruetactical Can we get a $399 Tranquilo with a full rifle purchase too? I love my UUKs but kind of think I want a tOBR too.
  -  thecodystone @laruetactical so can I order one for 399 for the Grendel upper that shipped to me in April?
  -  twojsdad @thecodystone Sorry, just saw this. Yes, they are currently sitting in my FFls safe and paperwork is processing.
  -  thecodystone @twojsdad it's cool. They let me order a tranquilo for my previous upper and I've been waiting on my surge for almost 10 months. 1 like
han_brolo_760 When will us Texans be able to get one without the tax stamp? 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @han_brolo_760 ... 🤷 Dunno, but I'll be standing by for your update 3 likes
  -  jonwaynetaylor @han_brolo_760 the bill becomes law on Sep 1, 2021. I would highly recommend everyone interested actually read HB957. It sets up a legal challenge with the federal government that will have to be hashed out in the courts. It might take as little as a year to resolve, or much longer. There is little guarantee the law will stand. 1 like
  -  han_brolo_760 @jonwaynetaylor same thing that happened with marijuana. Still federally illegal. The fed has made 0 effort to pursue states though.
  -  jonwaynetaylor @han_brolo_760 but they already have gone after a similar law in Kansas. Look up Jeremy Kettler, who is now a convicted felon after trusting the state of Kansas. 3 likes
  -  thirtythree_three @jonwaynetaylor This. And his customer, Mr. Cox. The difference between this and Pot is that the Feds have no actual incentive or resources to really clamp down on the marijuana biz. Well, and of course silencers actually hurt no one and pot definitely does. 2 likes
  -  c4l3b_wood @thirtythree_three just a question, who do you think marijuana hurts? 1 like
  -  thirtythree_three @c4l3b_wood The users themselves and the community (DWUI, etc). It's incontrovertibly linked to increases in psychosis and depression. Read ALEX BERENSON's work on this. 2 likes
  -  c4l3b_wood @thirtythree_three his work consists of lying relaying someone else's experiences and stating his opinions without anything to back it up. The facts are that alcohol and tobacco are significantly more dangerous than marijuana, causing 6 million and 2.5 million deaths annually respectively and marijuana causing no direct deaths, and a small enough number of related injuries and deaths to not be reported. People don't go crazy and kill people when they smoke weed. That's some peak drug war era bullshit. Everyone I know who smokes weed eother does it to help treat pain or depression or anxiety, and it has never caused them any of those things. 3 likes
  -  thirtythree_three @c4l3b_wood Keep telling yourself all those lies. I knew my comment would draw one of you out. Try looking at these things through an objective lens instead of the one you want to believe. Colorado used to be a lot less shitty place before all the potheads ruined it. 4 likes
  -  holy_guacamole710 @thirtythree_three sorry but that author has absolutely no qualifications for making such claims. He has no applicable degrees related to the subject of cannabis or medicine and almost all of his other books are fiction novels. What a fucking clown.
  -  thirtythree_three @holy_guacamole710 My father is in medicine (with applicable degrees) and he shares the same conclusions. He hasn't written about it, so I point to Berenson. 1 like
  -  thirtythree_three @holy_guacamole710 Oh, I missed what you said about "most of his other books". Lol. That's the dumbest thing I've read today. Berenson has been right (and before everyone else) about all things Covid, and used to write for the NYTimes back when you could take at least some of what they said seriously. 1 like
  -  holy_guacamole710 @thirtythree_three what, your dad sweeps the floor at a hospital or something?
  -  thirtythree_three @holy_guacamole710 He's been a pharmacologist since 1973. But nice try. 1 like
  -  han_brolo_760 @laruetactical I just want to turn money into happiness.
  -  laruetactical @thirtythree_three ... 4 or 5 years ago a Colorado law enforcement guy told me that after Colorado legalized pot, there was a mass migration of crazies to Colorado ... "they came to self medicate". They overwhelmed the jails and burnt up the states law enforcement budget. The LE telling me that was at his wit's end. 1 like
  -  han_brolo_760 @laruetactical I think we're already there with this mass exodus from Cali. Surely some quiet boys wouldn't cause too much more trouble. I agree with you though. Same reason Idaho won't budge an inch on marijuana. Not even for medical reasons. I'm sure at least Florida will follow when this becomes a reality, just counting on Texas to do the Texan thing, wave the finger to the fed and let us give give you money for safe hearing.
  -  thirtythree_three @laruetactical Absolutely. It was a magnet for the crazies.