Setting the boltface-to-lug length using one of our six Mitsui grinders ... holding it to plus or minus 0.0002 - ML
11,354 views; 661 likesfreakinout I love bolts and BCGs
joeythec02 That's so cool
joeythec02 That's so cool
jay3076 NOLO bcg sale???? 😎 1 like
ja_ber Amazing
schubert189 So you do this after nitride? Very cool. When will complete Larue BCG's be available to purchase as an individual item? 3 likes
jricks21 That's pretty intenths.... 6 likes
knckls_up Show the entire machine, this is interesting. 👊👍
mdc_justin How does grinding the OD affect the bolt face?
- laruetactical @mdc_justin ... sidewheel grinding backside of the lugs - ML 3 likes
- mdc_justin @laruetactical ah. See it now. And I thought I was the only one who uses the side of the wheel. Ha ha
- mdc_justin @laruetactical ah. See it now. And I thought I was the only one who uses the side of the wheel. Ha ha
akethan762 Nice
gunream I need one for the barrel I won on ARF
kylejernigan 0.0002 NBD really
dreauxmire @laruetactical Mark any chance of purchasing two complete bolt carrier groups as spares for my OBR and PredatAR?