... The forklift didn't wipe it's feet before coming in the house. 😕 This little row of Haaas CNCs sports a dozen of the new VF2SuperSpeeds and four new DM2s. 💪🔥💯
855 likestjmango Since you guys already make 6.5 Grendels, any intention to make a 6ARC? 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @tjmango ... Yep ✅ 6 likes
  -  tjmango @laruetactical sweet! Can't wait
michigan_great_outdoors Are they all 480 3 phase?
  -  laruetactical @michigan_great_outdoors ... most of that row is 220. 1 like
jjfitter6176 Go baby go, I need my upper kit! 2 likes
conivor3 My shop has a vf2 and a tm3p. Can't imagine having 20 of these lol #speedyproduction
  -  laruetactical @conairways ... I think we're up over 120 Haas CNCs now, and maybe 40 Okuma turning centers, maybe 20 Mitsubishi Wire EDMs, 16 CNC screw machines ... just to name a few. 1 like
  -  conivor3 @laruetactical 😳 now I know how my trigger got to me so quick! u s
txnorseman @laruetactical can we please get some 6.5cm barrels with PST gas block to swap into our OBR's as a stand-alone unit? I have cash today to buy an 18" barrel for my OBR
johnvaldezgfy Insane
jlat283 Speaking of 6.5 Grendel - any idea when y'all will have them back in stock?
2a_usa_aj Hey guys, I was told the LT220-11 was backordered after I paid for it. How long would I have to wait to receive my handguard? Keep up the great work!
  -  laruetactical @ajsanchez11 ... I'll bet you weren't actually charged ... 10 likes
  -  2a_usa_aj @laruetactical correct. I apologize. I'd just like to get an estimate on the back order, if possible. I know y'all are busy. 1 like
  -  _eddievega @ajsanchez11 good luck 😅🤷 4 likes
hembreejake @ala_reloader 1 like
thejazzyfizzle17 TPM!! Looking good guys. Those VF2s are super clean
matta2662 How many people does it take to keep those CNCs all running? 1 like
r.stanesu_adv890r My LT-681 is on back order for my Acog. I've been running the original mount for years finally decided to get a @laruetactical ordered. I'll wait, awesome picture of amazing machines. 🙌 I can see larue rifles in my near future
_eddievega Beautiful sight 🤩
jayem0502 Just got a ST15 Y with bar feeder and sub spindle this week.
jcc2574 Just put in an order for an ultimate upper kit with a 16in stealth barrel! Super stoked and can't wait for it to arrive!
alpha_phil15 Curious, do you do your own anodizing in house? Would love to see some assembly pics / vids too...not just the shinny new machines 😉
markfingar Soon, you'll need your own electric power plant. I'd go nuke. Small footprint. 1 like