... With 175 FGMM 308 ... I nailed the crow, then proceeded to miss him 4 more times in a row. 😕
348 likeseagletears_inc I'd take the 4 "misses" in a group like that over the 1 hit. The target is nothing but an aiming point. Great shooting.
connelldad Meh. It's the cold bore shot that counts anyways. #oneshotonekill
josh.macintyre Its a fashionable miss!
jollygreen182 Solid 1 like
65grendel.life @laruetactical the difference 1/4" makes 😳
icecoldmn Aim small miss small,even with a 6.5 and a 260 tobrs in the stable I still love shooting my 308 obr it shoots lights out right out of the box
kurt_stl67 @laruetactical those barrels are magical.