.... Boomer alert ... I just hiked 3 miles = 6,000 steps = 60 minutes = 1 hour ... The best thing to fight Boomer-hate with is to live to be a 💯 u s ¸ Roll off that reloading bench and fast walk an hour a day. We can buy new glasses or get Lasik to keep our aim sharp. Join me in the Great Boomer War ... A Living Dynasty 😎 ML
630 likesoregun I still have my original LaRue Predatar hat from 2014. 2 likes
sarcasmk1ng many larue hats i have have the salt ridge from outdoorsie times. 1 like
appleuzer When will those iconic hats be in stock again?
gsprague Need a new green one. Mines in the Atlantic. None on the site :(
phishfeed I need to buy more parts so i can get another tan hat.
shrek2_on_dvd LASIK = good investment
voightpeyton One hundred American
jamestf91 Would rather be friends with a boomer than a zoomer. Kids these days are an embarrassment. 2 likes
stewartsshooting That hat's in great shape compared to my Larue hat. You don't even have any holes!
vonwolffe Hell yeah! Did 4 miles in 50 minutes today. At 51 years old I have 49 years of grief to dish out 😂
skipmoratzka 🙌
gce61chris I'm right there with you Mike. Keto for 2yrs, down 60lbs. Daily workouts. Back to Krav workouts. Training & shooting building skills in multiple disciplines. Rocking @61, never felt better.