... Someone asked for an update on the "water trapper" ... we slaved two of those square water tanks together on it and spring rains 💦💦💦 have almost topped it off = 500 gallons of rainwater 💪 ML
1,319 likesjtwendel02 Nice!
frenchdip2 Looks great! Have you had any trouble with funky stuff growing in the tanks, or do the critters drink it before it can grow?
  -  jtphil35 @frenchdip2 I think he put tablets in or a little bit of chlorine 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @jtphil35 ... ☝ 3 likes
  -  frenchdip2 @jtphil35 I guess I missed that part of the process, thanks.👍
realmda13 Fuck that's like $15,000 in lumber! 4 likes
  -  laruetactical @realmda13 ... Built last year, before the lumber went boom !! 3 likes
  -  a_aurioles34 @realmda13 I'm buying a house with a work bench inside of it. At current prices it's at least 1k in lumber
  -  laruetactical @a_aurioles34 ... A reader asked me how much it weighs for helicopter purposes = 1,000 pounds empty 5 likes
  -  slapptx @realmda13 lol
gatorbait1088 Sad that's illegal in so many places. 6 likes
  -  laruetactical @gatorbait1088 ... Water troughs ? 1 like
  -  gatorbait1088 @laruetactical collecting rain water, we are suppose to let the government regulate where the rain water goes 🙄. 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @gatorbait1088 ... Not collecting it, we're slowing it down 😂 17 likes
  -  gatorbait1088 @laruetactical I guess I should rephrase to "regulated" not illegal. It's only illegal if you don't follow the regulations..HA!
  -  sfairley83 @gatorbait1088 Yeah I'm not sure about at each County level but I do know that here in Texas the state government does not require any kinda permits for collecting rain water. You can still find many homes running strictly from cisterns filled from roof rain collection systems. 1 like
  -  reagan.911.991.c2 @gatorbait1088 yep we have to apply for a permit to have one... Insane 1 like
  -  soullessone_edc @laruetactical I like that
_karimhachem Got ticketed for collecting rainwater for my home garden. Went to court and ripped it up, set it on the table and told them to sue me. Apparently the government even owns the rain 3 likes
  -  a_aurioles34 @_karimhachem if this is real then we should be friends 1 like
  -  _karimhachem @a_aurioles34 still waiting on them to try🤷🏾 1 like
  -  mdbm777 @_karimhachem so you elected a court hearing, didn't pay the fine, didn't present any evidence, and then just left? You'd have a warrant for your arrest in my state, unfortunately. It's not illegal to collect rainwater here though, so I guess that's a leg up
  -  _karimhachem @mdbm777 it's considered a city citation here, the most they could do is fine me, and try to fine me late fees. Over here you can't have a warrant for a city citation, so I had that confidence walking in there. 3 likes
  -  mdbm777 @_karimhachem interesting. Will they eventually ding your credit or try to put a lien on your house?
  -  _karimhachem @mdbm777 with our local government they'll probably send me a ticket with a late fee, then possibly try to ding my credit. Part of me wants to pay it so they don't, and part of me wants to tell them to shove it. 1 like
  -  _karimhachem @mdbm777 I guess time will tell 1 like
300blackout_ Badass.
laura.lynette05 We collect ours with 50 gallon drums buried in the ground (each corner of the gutters at the house. It looks better that way). Use a sump pump to transfer water into a mobile drum and use it for the garden and fruit trees. Rain water works great on plants, it brings in nitrogen that is stripped from soils. Nice setup! 2 likes
  -  shooter_mcswag @laura.lynette05 the rain water always makes my plants pop. I never knew why. 1 like
rancholoco19 What will it be used for? 1 like
  -  laruetactical @rancholoco19 z ... zoom in and you'll see the water trough for wildlife 11 likes
originaldeboard Very cool!
edc.medic Now you just have to figure out how to put it 20 ft in the air to get good water pressure! 😉
kevin.young.77582 Rain isn't stopping.
firearm_addict 💪💪
johnmarkf_24 @themichaelchamlee 1 like
bordeth That's a heck of a rain barrel sir. Probably tastes better than what's coming out of the spicket.
mckeonekert Guzzler on steroids!
reagan.911.991.c2 What's the lead time on your 6.5 CM builds?
stumpwso What's the surface area of the roof?
rob.bowie.2 Damn dude. Where'd you scrape together the $10k for that lumber? 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @rob.bowie.2 ... Made it last year, during Trump's short reign. It weighs a 1,000 pounds. How much is lumber per pound now ? 2 likes