... Had 4 in that hole ... then I choked. I almost backed off the gun for another run at it, but then I started arguing with myself, then upped and finished pulling the damn trigger. This rifle is another MRGG-S mock-up, same gun specs as last post. ML
726 likesdayhoffjr I wish i was capable of shooting groups like that. Very nice shooting!
josh.macintyre 👏
tim_etgearco Any way to get a 6.5 Creedmoor barrel for a 762 TOBR? 1 like
specterpines Well done
545krink You missed the bullseye, I'll have bill call you and give you some shooting tips.
def3va Back off on the caffeine 😃 1 like
eadie.steve Very nice
ljsiii We've all been there!!!!
timmy_tomahawk 308 or 6.5?
polar.bear.actual Oh man, done that so many times. Slightly comforting to see the pros do it also
manuel_rios123 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
michael_s.kline Obviously that rifle is defective, send it to me for proper disposal!😁
depredadorsolutions I hate, messing up shots when I'm working up loads. Nice group. #RollYourOwnAmmo
citadeltactical Aw man busted...can def relate 🤘🏼