... Note to self ... watching the news reminds me my flashlights all need their gas tanks topped off. ML
515 likesroadapplesforge Good timing on that- power just went ou for about 10 minutes... Generac for the win.
def3va That's some vintage stuff there! 1 like
thiswildadventure The E2D Executive Defender is one of the greatest flashlights ever made. 4 likes
freakinout That's a lot of 123As 1 like
charles_helm #truestorybro
rightplacerighttime_official That's a sexy collection!!
jamin.roy I miss my ol E2D Executive.....lost in on the flight line in Baghdad. Ive resorted to carrying streamlights due to i dont get as mad when i lose them. Now to find that fucking PVT who stole my pro tac 2......
- m9operator Haha... same! My clothing sales recentlybhad the ProTacs on sale for $20 each, so I bought a whole bunch and regard them as disposable. 1 like
jasonk7474 #thebeast
__yo_its_me_mike__ Hey Mark! Any idea when your back orders of MROs are going to ship?
jfpvh I would love to just have one of those that is against the wall what's the loom of those? u s u s ☕☕
direct.impingement Don't see many of those M6LT's around anymore.
angrygingertx Those Guardians will put you in the poor house on batteries. Lol. I've got one myself. Hard to believe 10-15 years ago, whatever it was, that was the ultimate flashlight and cost like $500. Now you can get brighter ones at a gas station for $8.00.
- laruetactical @angrygingertx ... Ya made me laugh. 🔥 1 like
powerpuff5567 💖💖🖤🤘
tacconcan Take a look at lumens factory or mall off devices to bring those bad boys up to date 1 like