... That time you shipped a metric sh*t-ton of 6.5CMs straight into Uncle Sam's u s lair ... 😎 ... ML
634 likesicecoldmn Looks to be 84 to me 😂
  -  laruetactical @icecoldmn ... You didn't count the loaded pallets 😎 2 likes
  -  icecoldmn @laruetactical were they 18" barrels with the gas switch block? Or don't you need a switch block on a 6.5 creedmore?
rebelscum1976 Get some...Well done Larue. 1 like
jarretthale2002 Nice! 1 like
pawpawlammy Who are you using for fright now that OD has gone communist? 7 likes
oneperfectdose You can't ship guns anymore... unless it's to us who are pushing to strip you of guns. 😂 2 likes
scorregio when will the 6.5 cm complete uppers be available again? 1 like
tate_jones711 Could you divert just one to my address? 😂😂
charliesclones Which Group is the lucky recipient? 1 like
duckhnt u s America u s !
mckeonekert Not going on Old Dominion.
emililliana 😮
curtdemel I'll call , and raise you a metric sh*t-ton @laruetactical