... And yes, there will be a quiz ... ML
1,008 likeszato_ichi_ I had a former secret service agent for Presidents Nixon and Ford from Texas , as my Government teacher .So you can bet your ass that The Eye's of Texas are upon you . Is never to far away . That said our eye's are on You Texas ...can you finish this out ?
rplhvac I just started teaching HVAC at a vocational high school, better believe I've been hitting them with critical thinking and life skills, it's a big part of our program. We realize not all of these kids will go out and be in the trade but we make sure all of them have skills that are useful in every trade and aspect of life. We pride ourselves on producing students with solid work ethic, professionalism, and employability skills. Plus I try to sprinkle some of my life experience and stories in there and talk to them about common values that should be incorporated into their lives. 6 likes
  -  frenchdip2 @randylavoie1992 thank you sir, this is what will save our future generations. 1 like
  -  _capt_obvious @randylavoie1992 Auto Tech teacher. Started doing it four years ago after a 25 year career. You're right, they're not all going to go into our trade, but can still prep them to be productive, independent citizens no matter their career path. 1 like
iamguett " noo i said critical thinking not critical race theory"
dw.griff Well that's what math is for, but then everyone complains about how math isn't useful in the real world. Then they also complain that they didn't learn how to do their taxes in school, as if taxes aren't easy if you ever learned what a percentage is. 1 like
pewpewvette In order to teach it, they first must understand it. 1 like
downhome_and_whiskey_bent Yes please. Actually full blown logic. Or at least logical fallacies.
trapshootb SAD VERY SAD INDEED! And when in The Hell do they figure this New BULLSHIT Math is BETTER ? KID'S CAN'T EVEN Count CHange Back To You ! If the machines DON'T WORK ! TO TELL THE HOW MUCH TO GIVE YOU BACK IN CHANGE! 1 like
hughes_waterfowl_systems No the problem is people with 0 common sense trying to run the show. As we have witnessed a businessman does a fat better job of running the show than a lifelong politician with dimentia. 1 like
bredfearn79 Doing my part to keep the content coming. Just placed an order for a LT745 mount.
bdclone Back in the 90's and before most students in Europe wanted to come to the US because our schools, especially college, taught critical thinking and not just regurgitating information. Well its not that way anymore. Teachers and schools salary and funding is some times based on standardized testing. Now our kids spend the entire 4th grade learning to take the leap test.
jakeww85 @gustavo_lunelli ouch, that had to hurt. Now sit down. 1 like
misswhatalife Maybe citizens, former students, parents and community members that contribute to school funding budgets should have a right to tell their opinions,
beechmoney They interpreted it as "please add critical race theory" to the curriculum 🤦
dees_minuteman_supply The indoctrination is not accidental.
zroluk 🧐
jmaxsin1 I'm a high school Social Studies teacher in Texas- we can't teach common sense and critical thinking to the current generation of students as their worthless ass parents have let their kids be raised by smart phones and social media instead of doing the actual hard work of parenting. I've been calling the parents of the 12th graders who failed my class for the year, and the most common thing I've heard is "He/she's at that age and I can't make him/her do anything....", and now that kid has 100+ absences for the year and zeroes for grades in all their courses. Why? Because the parents are softer than fresh puppy shit. Teachers are doing as best as we can, but we can only do so much. The more that we get paperwork and standardized testing piled on us, the less time we're able to spend in the classroom actually teaching. I can rant for hours over this shit, but people need to SACK THE FUCK UP, do the hard work, and stop letting their kids run the house. These last two generations of soft ass parents have raised entitled, soft ass children, and all those chickens are coming home to roost. 5 likes
chefhef But a liberal will believe Bill Gates on Covid, Rather than a Dr. 🤷
eadie.steve Sadly it started in '85 when I was tutoring ethics in college. Big push to ban critical thinking in schools. Now we have this...
machinegun_mercer Honestly should've required me to learn how to do my fucking taxes but oh well
arnt.myhre Amen! 1 like
devious_6 After retiring from the Army, I spent 16 years in higher education- 8 of those as president of a college. You are right on in your identification of a critical shortfall in our elementary and secondary education systems and if students hit college unable to critically think, it is exceptionally difficult to get them to a level where they should be to meet the needs of today's workforce. For years, businesses have identified a lack of critical thinking, lack of communications skills and lack of the ability to function in a team environment as the top abilities lacking in college graduates. All three are dependent on being built from a young age.
tactical_brass_recovery I don't trust the people in the schools though.
yardgnomeriot2 And "Common Courtesy " 4 likes
fiesta346 They can't even teach them how to sign their names in cursive 😂 8 likes
mikeb945 That is probably the biggest gap that we have seen in our potential candidates in the last decade or so. If folks have the critical thought process down the rest will be easy. 5 likes
danno06472 If the parents have failed them ain't shit the schools can do. 6 likes
  -  laruetactical @danno06472 ... My dad was sailing under the ocean and my mom was making sammiches. 🤷 12 likes
  -  bdclone @danno06472 yes a lot of parents drop the ball but that doesn't mean that the school curriculum isn't messed up. My wife used to teach high-school math, is a college math instructor, but still tutors younger kids. She thinks schools are wasting too much time and money on bullshit that ends up confusing kids 4 likes
hot_metalworks Hell yeah!!! 👏👏👏 2 likes
pedantic_platypus Shhhh, we can't start teaching kids about how to use logic to examine the world around them, they might start to see the glitches in the matrix. 7 likes
byrdprecision The problem with public education is far beyond "Critical thinking" or a lack thereof. I can't imagine why any parent that loves their child would send them to a place for thirteen years where every manner of wickedness and degeneracy are normalized. 3 likes
manchets111 Add in principles of common sense and problem solving to that curriculum. 2 likes
p.e.henry This is like saying dog training schools should teach corgis to run like greyhounds.
Either you have the cognitive aptitude for critical thinking or you don't.
Most don't.
But hey, everyone's vote is "equal". So that's something.
johnnybwildered Government employees are not responsible for raising children. 1 like
  -  nickfiderius @johnnybwildered but they love to teach our children their disgusting political views as well as all about homosexuality, gender neutrality, etc. Public schools are a disgusting waste of taxpayer money. They don't teach critical thinking because the teachers themselves have none. Cogs in a wheel, sheep to a herd. The old adage rings very true; "those you can, do. Those who can't, teach." The brightest minds are always found in the private sector. 2 likes
wmdguns Please add Government class back, teach students their rights as Americans. 2 likes
gustavo_lunelli The problem here is a gun shop trying to tell us what schools need😂 1 like
  -  laruetactical @gustavo_lunelli ... So an American business with 150+ employees, founded in 1980, doesn't get a say 🤷 113 likes
  -  jacobmx5 @laruetactical because you clearly know less than a 22 year old education major about life and life skills.. 🙄 4 likes
  -  tfordman1776 @gustavo_lunelli Tell me, genius, who do "public schools" ultimately report to? Who are they funded by, and who do they serve? The public, or unelected bureaucrats? Which one is Mark? 7 likes
  -  unapologetic_bastardo @gustavo_lunelli no profile picture, no listen... 1 like
  -  human89race @gustavo_lunelli the truth is the truth you can be as close minded as you want it's a free country P.S YOUR ON A @laruetactical POST 4 likes
  -  cameronshadron @gustavo_lunelli so a libtard like you is better?! Not even on the worst day! 4 likes
  -  livdelicously @gustavo_lunelli 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡 4 likes
  -  kempleofdoom @gustavo_lunelli this is a bad look on your part 4 likes
  -  gustavo_lunelli @laruetactical you are very good at what you do. Stick with it! 👍🏼👍🏼
  -  millett128 @gustavo_lunelli I think you are missing the point. The fact a owner of a gun manufacturer can see what is needed in our education system more than the people in charge of it, that is the problem. Kids coming out of school have no real world skills now a days. Why are you mad at someone for recognizing the problem. 6 likes
  -  hawkoon_fabrication @gustavo_lunelli See, Gustavo, this is where those critical thinking skills you don't have would come in really handy. 6 likes
  -  legionpreparedness @392_grey its a commie name that's what's
  -  mikefz33 @gustavo_lunelli a "gun shop" that just happens to be one of the most well known names in the business... yeah just a gun shop... 2 likes
  -  ssnyt @gustavo_lunelli lmao, Gustavo, we don't tell you how to mop our floors. Please don't assume to tell anyone what they should "stick with". 3 likes
  -  hobbit0717 @gustavo_lunelli Well we know now you for sure have never taken a class on critical thinking!