... Your uppers are stacking up and those gun cases are on the truck. It's comin' together. ML
863 likesfireman4180 Can't wait!
james_siler Ordered mine last night. 👍👍c l u s
tallmanjw @laruetactical can't wait for mine to ship!! 1 like
degenerateveteran 🤩🤩🤩🤩beautiful!
chumbief @laruetactical any chance you'll ever make an Ultimate Upper with a quad rail??? 1 like
  -  tom_rakip @chumbief that is a great idea!
evanthedude1 Just ordered mine with a strike eagle to go with it. It's my first LaRue product and I am hyped. 1 like
  -  beausoefje @evanthedude1 you won't be disappointed, they're legit 👌 1 like
  -  evanthedude1 @beausoefje my wallet isn't happy, but, I sure am 😂 2 likes
tom_rakip Not sure how you did it for the price but I'm not complaining @laruetactical 1 like
jhetch81876 When will the kits be coming back? I want to order another. That'll be my third Larue.
joe22south @willkana no suurg kits in that batch also
  -  willkana @joe22south 😢
civilianresponder Can't wait!
jakenelso Ooh hope one of those is mine. Ordered it the first day!
bunkrmonkey please start showing Suurg upper kits