... What in the Blue name is this sorcery ?!?!
1,007 likeschristiantomyn Looks like the thin blue line blue. It would be ironic to have these on a "pistol" and confiscated by the police that are supposed to uphold the constitution.
riley_smith45 put the ultimate upper kits back on the website mark 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @riley_smith45 ... Standby ... for the 4th of July 😎 11 likes
  -  el.gallo.negro1 @riley_smith45 I might buy one just to part it out, I think it's the only way I'll get my stripped upper.
  -  laruetactical ... I don't remember selling "stripped" uppers ... perhaps you have us confused with another firm 🤷 1 like
  -  el.gallo.negro1 @laruetactical Stealth stripped upper, hope you're still selling them! 😬
  -  tarheeltactical el.gallo.negro1 Dude! It's not stripped. LOL! Comes complete with forward assist and dust cover. (Stripped doesn't have the forward assist or the dust cover.) 😍 LT007-A3
  -  el.gallo.negro1 @tarheeltactical got it, however it's listed as stripped
  -  tarheeltactical el.gallo.negro1 you are correct! The category is listed as Stealth Uppers, stripped.
  -  laruetactical @tarheeltactical ... Thanks to your post, I went looking 👀 I'll get that setup going and I'll be hated for it🤷 2 likes
  -  fanorwood @laruetactical Have a Stealth upper on back order for over a year. Patience...
seang422 Bluruetactical 2 likes
whatarewedo1ng I love all the people crying on this post 😂 8 likes
  -  whatarewedo1ng @hissom.andrew so you're one of the ones assuming he is selling these to the public, nice.
mrdski @laruetactical when did y'all begin offering the TranQuilo Sound Suppressor for UU buyers for $399? I feel terrible I missed that opportunity. Got mine in March this year..I 🤔 😢
  -  wpatertr @mrdski just use your order number to get it 3 likes
texasplinking Blue man group getting some ultimate Upper kits? 7 likes
gunner_texas_03 I actually had to dye blank white pistol grips and stocks for those two fallen officer rifles you built for the families here in Hood County.
juice405 Received my rifle Tuesday 🙌 such a good gun imo. Good job to all involved
ballistic_addiction #spaceforce 1 like
nhito Please sell these!!!!!!🙌🙌🙌🙌 1 like
_capt_obvious I actually had a woman ha e me Cerakote and entire AR purple. And I mean purple, not some subdued purple. We're talking like Mopar Plumb Crazy, but uglier. I don't question anyone's color schemes, because you know what? Her money spends just as easily as the guy that wants a Burnt Bronze Glock slide. 1 like
duque_dupre Random question about another product-do think your 6.5 Grendel mags would feed 5.45x39 alright?
  -  laruetactical @duque_dupre ... 🤷 2 likes
metallicasma So many snowflakes in the comments and it's not even winter yet 😂😎 2 likes
biggunner81 Oh yea!
one_urban_ninja Viagra blue.....!?!?
legionpreparedness For antifafa or actblue?
whobarrycarew @thebluemangroupofficial gone tactical lol chill
justaguy217 Honestly thought I was looking at someone's 3D printed knock offs of your stuff
pawpawlammy SMURF GUNS MATTER!
jwj112990 I have both of these on mine. They are awesome!
modest_omega Hold up, I ordered stock and grip recently. Back order. Is this a new batch? 😀
jmansour174 Nerf or nothing 2 likes
cameltan78 Reminds me of the Olympic Arms A2 trainers we had in AF Basic Training. I sort of weirdly want one of them if I can ever find one. 1 like
sosay7 🔥🔥 nerf nerds lookout!
jay5_56 That blue looks Amazing. Any plans on selling them? 1 like
roadapplesforge AF, Navy, or Space Force mods???
2x2outdoorcrew I need to build out an AR like this to match my car...
tac_class_hero Pending wrongful death lawsuit in 3...2...1...
frankc157 What/who are they produced for?
the.red.celt I hope theae are for training weapons. This shade of blue is often used as an indicator of training weapons.
  -  laruetactical @redcelt8 ... I've had that Index Clip color for a decade 🤷 6 likes
  -  imjustabil @laruetactical 😂😂😂😂
  -  magdumpmatyas @redcelt8 lmao stop being a dildo..... 3 likes
  -  the.red.celt @arizona4.6 I actually enjoy being used as a dildo. 1 like
  -  magdumpmatyas @redcelt8 ya by all the booty pirates! 🏴💀 arrrrrrgghhhh 😹😹
idpassr Blue da ba dee ba ba da
falloutpropguy Urban camo
john_t_fisherman Kentucky blue. Nice
bdclone People painting AR's and pistols to look like nerf guns and yall worried about LaRue painting something blue! Give me a break 6 likes
shqype_ I actually like it! 3 likes
nelson_shooting_concepts Problem with that blue it's used for training guns that fire paint marking cartridges for scenario based training 9 likes
  -  laruetactical @nelson_shooting_concepts ... So the gov't has called dibs on a color ? 55 likes
  -  djcdan5.56_ @laruetactical no way .. but it's a standard with simunition and marker cartridges alike. Bolts. Slides and mags. 5 likes
  -  slangin_boolits @laruetactical akin to painting flash hiders orange on airsoft guns 1 like
  -  458_socalm @nelson_shooting_concepts but who said they weren't going on a MMR or MILES gun though?
  -  daddyscott2001 @laruetactical no sir they haven't. As someone who took more than one "marking cartridge" instructor courses (back when I first went there was only one company) - the color of the firearm used does not even figure into the safety matrix for scenario based training. Make whatever color you like - variety is the spice of life!! 6 likes
  -  nelson_shooting_concepts @laruetactical it's not the government but several companies selling the products that various agencies/companies use for training with that blue. 2 likes
  -  siegrisj @laruetactical no but like others have indicated, it's an industry standard 3 likes
  -  john_v_meier @laruetactical yes and they also own the number 7. 2 likes
  -  imjustabil @laruetactical 😂😂😂😂
  -  tarheeltactical @daddyscott2001 bast damn answer! 1 like
  -  titan_rook @siegrisj Back when I went through the academy in the late 90s, red was the standard color for inert training equipment. Redman gear for hands-on training protection, as well as ASP red knives, batons, and guns. I was even issued a red rubberized Beretta to carry in place of our actual assigned 96D. Trusting a firearm pointed at you because it's a certain color is a sure way to get shot. 1 like
  -  siegrisj @titan_rook yep red is common too. Nobody said anything about trusting it based on color. Just that blue is a common training designator now 3 likes
  -  titan_rook @siegrisj Oh, no doubt but, that negates the issue over using blue being verboten on a live fire weapon if you should be verifying its configuration aside from appearance. Like Reagan famously said as borrowed from the Russian proverb "Doveryai, no proveryai", "Trust but, verify."
jtac_tard If it was purple I know a lady that would want it 1 like
leadandco @willmeranda_7
pureevillmm19 I want it 1 like