... Speaking of my Marine, that camo pattern makes it hard to see her Commandant gizmos 😎 That might be an award she's holding for her 652 yard 7.62 longest bull elk shot held by currently active Marines 🤷 ML
1,138 likesldohardin Nah, that looks like more of a certificate of re-enlistment to me. Congratulations to your Marine!
  -  laruetactical @ldohardin ... 😎 1 like
darrensprowl Wow. That's awesome. Semper Fi. 2 likes
  -  darrensprowl @laruetactical what a blessing it is when your child follows in your footsteps as a Marine.
  -  laruetactical @darrensprowl ... I wasn't a Marine. I went to machining school, bounced around a couple of years, then opened my shop in 1980, when I was 23. 1 like
wild_man_dave Female marine sniper soon 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @wild_man_dave ... "Known to her enemies as "Lady Death," Lyudmila Pavlichenko is recognized as the most successful female sniper in history with a total of 309 confirmed kills. Lyudmila Pavlichenko was born in 1916 in Belaya Tserkov, a large Ukranian city south of Kiev." 😎 6 likes
  -  wild_man_dave @laruetactical women do have steadier hands- They make better surgeons. Eastern Europe had a few all female sniper teams in earlier wars
followthroughbuck 🔥🔥 1 like
thejeepbountyhunter Hell yeah. Get some!
d.w.jones Awesome!!!! Semper Fi!!!
soa_usa Well done! 1 like
zthai2014 Dad taught her to shoot well! You are proud no doubt!
matt.4353 That's freakin great! Long distance shooting is a skill and takes patience. Good on her and semper fi! 1 like
robcommorat Outstanding 1 like
akscott60 Rah 1 like
james_siler 👍👍 1 like
stillten8 Proud father of a Marine right here too. Congrats ML!! 1 like
mich.welsh Oorah
roadapplesforge 👍👏😎👍👏😎👍👏😎 1 like
stevenguastella Outstanding. 🙌 1 like
dango512 Semper Fi! 1st Marines 👍 1 like
sarge_dunaj That's outstanding! 🤙 1 like
tedinvestsinyou Making the grass grow!! Yut 2 likes
legion_four_ 👏👏👏👏
minutemanordnancecompany Semper Fi
teufelshunde62 Semper Fi Sister. 1 like
bill9mill Semper fi
kertmckeone Fine shooting soldier!
mrgunzfirearms Oorah! 1 like
mrtonypic Thank you for her service. 2 likes
nm156v2 Yaaaassss 💪u s
texassbr_1845 Well that's pretty awesome 👏 1 like
icecoldmn You raised a good one👏 1 like
yardgnomeriot2 SFMF 1 like
austinamigo Rah. Yut. Kill. 1 like
exodus4x4 Oorah Devil! 1 like