... Check your LaRue TeamMail. Not seeing it ? Dig around in your junk mail folder ... 😎 ML
311 likesdune_shoot Think the drunk IT guys fat fingered the price. A complete SUURG rifle was under $2k around 2018. WTF , do you hate customers? 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @dune_shoot ... 2018 was 1/2 a decade and a zillion Kohvid murders ago . 9 likes
  -  nowenwright @laruetactical haha
  -  dune_shoot @laruetactical not that long ago. Some have gone woke , you've gone woke on prices. My .260, Grendel,pTAR, and countless mounts and triggers will be the end of mine and many other hard core Larue fans who have defended your idiocies based on former fair prices and stellar performance. 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @dune_shoot ... Enjoy your largesse you bought from us at very attractive sale prices. We've organized our systems, we know our costs inside avd out, and cannot/will not give stuff away any longer. ML 4 likes
  -  icecoldmn's profile picture @dune_shoot might be time to ask for a raise, this inflation seems to be getting to you 1 like
  -  alan.dillon.gb @dune_shoot you can always go sell your one LT mount and your couple dillos and go over to fakebook and bitch about how you're never gonna be able to get an LT rifle now that it's costs too much, lol
  -  the.cut.carpenter @dune_shoot a good supressor is $800+ alone tho
  -  laruetactical @the.cut.carpenter ... Careful, Dune Shoot's strong point is looking his gift horses in the mouth, not doin' beer math. 1 like
sp0kanistani So pissed that this is out now, after WA ban .. f$@% Insley
alan.dillon.gb @sp0kanistani you can always move to the Free Zone
sp0kanistani @alan.dillon.gb so, your preferred tactic is cut bait and run, got it ... 👍
dabean4 @sp0kanistani you only got one life to live sir
alan.dillon.gb @sp0kanistani that doesn't make any sense, but ok. I live free...apparently you're good with living under commies. Lol👍👍👍
sealrightinc @sp0kanistani WA is lost to us. You can't fight it, and you'll never change it. They've infected the schools, move somewhere sane or complain forever
brian_landgraf Wish I was allowed to possess a suppressor 🤦 1 like
  -  ahaley1775 @brian_landgraf Same. 😔 1 like
peter.noowin Can you make the Tranquilo black? Less Cerakote work for you
  -  laruetactical @peter.noowin ... I like it like it is 1 like
cccosby Any chance these come with the mlok version of the rail you showed off the other day? Already ordered one so I guess it doesn't matter but one can hope.
  -  redoak.sooner @cccosby they are MLOK
exodus4x4 Ahhhhh here we go. Just when I thought I was "done" buying uppers... 2 likes
zthai2014 You guys are truly innovative. It's been a long time since I've seen anything new and practical like this in the AR market.
d.w.jones For those gripping about prices, tell it to the eggs:)
bretmail Thank you!
jlpowell84 So the suppressor guard is welded on and the screw in suppressor?
  -  alan.dillon.gb @jlpowell84 no, the cage comes off
the.cut.carpenter I've never understood getting mad at a company for charging what they charge?? If people want cheap why do t they buy PSA or BCA?? Those guns run, but so does a Honda civic. You don't see Toyota being compared to a Lamborghini? Some things are out of some people's price range 3 likes
rplhvac Says no shipping to MA, I'm an 07 FFL/SOT, if I list that in the notes will you accept the order?
  -  wrightpatt @rplhvac I'd call them.
david_shipp Whatttt please send me this!!
andrewk_the_plumber Sell the burn guard!!!!
shanecassiday Dang drunk IT guys cant seem to get my new email address to be a permanent change on the Larue team email list. I feel left out waiting to find out on IG!
legion_four_ And ppl wonder why the gov wanted a new round....
longrangesurfer Ordered! Cause I need a .556 SUURG to match my .300BO SUURG right? Right??!!
honcho_allen Does this round still come with everything needed but a stripped lower, or will people need a complete lower with the SUURG upper purchase?
realmda13 Can we please get tAR special editions uppers? Please? I need a chassis. And a pencil barrel. And a chrome bcg. 1 like
bretmail The email says $1000 deposit, but when I try to purchase it charges full price.
andrewk_the_plumber What's it going to cost to get just the burn gaurd I have a larue 12" upper that's SBR tax stamped and a larue silencer I am waiting on paper work for. I called today but they said you guys won't sell just the burn guard/ hand guard even though you will have the machine all set up... Help me out mark!!!
weinhimer Oh lordy take my money 4 likes
realmda13 😢
medic.wv Bad ass Bro! 👊u M👊