... Some guy is getting a chunk of cardboard for his proof-group. 100 yards. You know how I do this, so when I aimed at the 1" Red Dot ... "SMACK" ... so I shot twice more and called it a hunt ... *NEXT* ... ML
417 likesbob_liu1 What was the yardage
  -  laruetactical @bob_liu1 ... It's always 100 yards. I have an on-site 100 yard underground range here. 2 likes
  -  bob_liu1 @laruetactical very sweet groups
returnofnolan Nice.
watermark78 Nice
j3rr_b3ar What scope?
  -  laruetactical @j3rr_b3ar ... Same scope, over and over 2 likes
tomlabarre84 Nice just shoot a .690 next! 1 like
  -  laruetactical @tomlabarre84 ... ?? 1 like
brotomas Hold up, where would one get a Larue Tactical 6" rule? That's badass! 1 like
  -  dousan36 @brotomas range accessories->maintenance->rulers 1 like
  -  laruetactical @dousan36 ... Our drunken I.T. guys use a dart board to decide where a product goes on our website 🤷🍺 6 likes
  -  thecodystone @brotomas spend about 4K with them and ML will send you one and a towel for Christmas.
drunkngojira We need these rulers in our life! 2 likes