... ... I bought an 870 today, well used and broke-in, 12 gauge. It's slicker'n greased owl shit 😎 ML
1,602 likesberwin_92_'s profile picture Looks similar to a wing master I bought in pieces for $75! You cannot beat an OLD 870. After the early 2000s they went bad imho. 15 likes
  -  laruetactical @berwin_92_ ... Agreed to all 💪 3 likes
  -  berwin_92_ @laruetactical I was a huge Remington fan growing up. That's just what we had. I do have a versamax that's newer that has never let me down, but bought a new 870 just because in 2013 and it's junk. What's worse are how bad the new production 700s are. A shame really 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @berwin_92_ ... Yep, I watched America's supply of decent off-the-shelf bolt actions wither and die. And decided to make the Siete. America needed a ready-made, accurate AF bolt action ... and that's the LaRue Siete. 😎 23 likes
  -  berwin_92_ @laruetactical if I can keep saving some of my overtime money I'll have one! Been a larue fan since I saw an add in shotgun news when I was like 13 lol. Can't beat what you guys make 4 likes
  -  christiantomyn @laruetactical please keep making those. I swear I'll buy one one day 😅 1 like
  -  bulletdurbin @laruetactical I'm sure the Larue Siete is a great rifle the way it is but you ought to offer one that's built up similar to the Barrett Fieldcraft for hunters. Lightweight, classic styling, modern hunting rifle offered in the calibers you already chamber.
  -  laruetactical @bulletdurbin ... I've hunted for the last 50 years ... and I made the Siete to hunt with 😎 6 likes
  -  breedlove.ben @berwin_92_ my first gun was a Remington SPR310 O/U, got it when I was 17 years old. More birds and critters taken with that gun than I could ever count or remember. Won a few clays events with it too up against guys with Berettas and Krieghoffs. A little beat up nowadays but still running strong - Remington used to be a superb but affordable gun maker. Sad what happened to them. 1 like
freakinout It's not loaded
  -  laruetactical @freakinout ... Right, I kicked the door open for the pic 😎 3 likes
  -  freakinout @laruetactical just saying that's a decent stick without ammo
  -  laruetactical @freakinout ... Bust through the door tonight about 1 am 😎 10 likes
  -  paul7.62x39 @laruetactical afterward BBQ? 1 like
  -  freakinout @paul7.62x39 I'll bring the beer 1 like
  -  breedlove.ben “Cruiser ready" is a very common and perfectly acceptable method of storing/keeping a shotgun.
  -  breedlove.ben @6midgetsandmayo No, smartass, most shotguns are not drop safe.
craigc1911 If they would put the safety where it belonged I might propose it's the best overall mass produced arm ever
  -  laruetactical @craigc1911 ... I only know that safety ... my index finger rides it. 🤷 6 likes
  -  sotexwhiskeyguy @craigc1911 nothing wrong with where the safety is located. 2 likes
  -  craigc1911 I wouldn't say wrong but not as optimal as a tang mounted safety.
schreinertx When I was in school I bought a cheap 870 express from academy and it had parkerizing in the chamber so it wouldn't extract the shells. I polished the chamber with a brake hone and jeweler's rouge. After I moved away my dad stole it from me the way dads can steal things. He said I had left it when I moved and it was the only decent gun he had to defend his house with, but the barrel was a little too long. I changed out the barrel with an 18.5" barrel with rifle sights and changed the pump to a streamlight. It's so badass now I'm going to have to steal it back from him.
soa_usa The 870 was my first shotgun and I inherited my great grandmother's as well. I mostly shoot my BT99 now but the 870 is awesome.
shooter_mc_ryan The old ones seem to be much better quality than newer ones. 8 likes
  -  laruetactical @shooter_mc_ryan ... Agreed. You are absolutely right ... 4 likes
  -  garrettversluys @shooter_mc_ryan yep. And why does the wood look so fake on the new ones. Old shotguns have beautiful wood. No homo 😎
  -  shooter_mc_ryan @garrettversluys because it's probably a laminated veneer. 1 like
  -  shooter_mc_ryan @laruetactical their 700s are the same. Extraction issues, feeding issues, barrel issues. You can't even buy a bare action without taking a chance it'll be not right
rowdyyatez I'd take a well used and well loved 30+ year old 870 over a brand new one 5 likes
  -  laruetactical @rowdyyatez ... #metoo So I was quietly thrilled picking that one up and having the slide fall almost all the way down on it's own. 😎 5 likes
  -  gonepearshaped @laruetactical my pop's is like that, point it upwards and press the release and it'll probably unlock on its own. Took my first whitetail buck with that one when I was a kid. It's hammered from decades of use (and honestly abuse), but still hanging in there. Have a ton of great memories tied to that old gun.
tadacad Very nice, I know someone who has an M590A1 with an optional ammo saver attachment up front. Very nice :)
callsignhomer Congrats, best shotgun made 1 like
bisdaq I bought a used 90's wingmaster 12. Butter smooth!!
bradbuildshomes How did it feel being a gun manufacture purchasing another gun manufactures shotgun? Also, do you have to go to a FFL? How's that work?
hughes_waterfowl_systems Very nice, it speaks the universal language. 1 like
chris.perry.9862 Love my 870's
daveyallencountry How long has that gun been sitting there unattended? Has it done any shootings yet all on its own?
jtblount3 Good score 🔥 1 like
d.w.jones Epitome of reliable! I like my FN SLPs:)
t_for_texas1836 I used to have a Winchester 1300 defender. I sold it like an asshole in my early 20s. I miss that gun. 6 likes
  -  laruetactical @t_for_texas1836 ... When I first got to Texas 45 years ago, I got hungry and had to sell scopes off my rifles to eat. Shit happens. 13 likes
  -  laruetactical @laruetactical ... In reality, those teachers got what they were paid for 😎
rocky.senatore My favorite!
iamjackhardtime I love my police magnum
jclements1978 Yep! Got one just like it propped in the same place...JC
stevenguastella Outstanding. Well done. 🙌
ya_man_d Picked me up a Winchester 1200 Deluxe model yesterday as well.
drewster_001_ I like my Mossberg utilimag 😎world's first 3.5
quesofingers Hard not to buy pumps, levers and wheel guns even though they are outdated sometimes the ergonomics and aesthetics just win 6 likes
rileyjames0115 Sweet boom stick.. like have a magazine fed M18A1 Claymore... well, sorta🤪u s 1 like
texan.right Where ya pick it up? Looks good
davidkkerrsr Love it
_karimhachem Did the same, got one at an estate sale, swapped the old beat up furniture with some magpul. Shoots like a dream
dango512 Can't go wrong with a trusty 870 👍
evlgreg I picked up an identical one at an auction decades ago. Added a three round extension to it. 1 like
legion_four_ Hopefully purchased used 💪
laruetactical ... My brother and I were running / loading 12 ga shells in production on a MEC 650 when I was 15 and he 13. I'm guessing I've put 50,000 shells through an 870. Can run it in the dark, quietly switch shells in the chamber, nuttin' to look at, I know an 870 😎 ML 25 likes
dieseldoc17 #bestshotguns
jpyro69 Nice!
garrettversluys Older 870 and 1100 are great shotguns
red_dirt_cyclist The old 870s are the best ones! Sad to say, but the best Remingtons have already been made.
imyrhandyman That's an old Wingmaster. That's back when Remington made nice guns. 5 likes
wheelhouse12000 Have @vangcomp take care of that barrel and go from there... 1 like
fast507 REM 870: Goes BANG every time.
usnst4 GOttawa love the reliable old classics like the 870 and the Mossy 500. I used to have a 500 growing up and got my first taste of the 870 in the military. Gotta say I love them both
james_siler I own two 870's one set up for home defense and the I use to dive hunt with. I have not shot either in years it's time to take them out and shoot them. 👍👍
breezyclipper Bad to the bone. 🔥🔥🔥
tpapaleo9 I have my grandfather's Wingmaster that he bought brand new in '68. Still have the original receipt, too. She's a tank. 4 likes
billy.wilkins.96 Between the pictures of you ranch horses and the shotgun, I can like your post enough 1 like
bestimage1st You're killin me with these old Remingtons 😊 Two in last two days (I commented on that 600 hiding in the background of your Costco post).
I grew up about 8 miles from the factory in Ilion. When my dad got out of the Marines, he worked there as a barrel maker. My Mom was an RN in their infirmary. He went to see her about some metal splinters and the next thing you know they were married for 44 years until he passed in '88.
When I was a kid growing up in the '60s & '70s, I was never far away from their latest catalog (and I still have all of them).
The 870 is a beast. It was my first repeating shotgun (started with an H&R topper 🤣). Introduced in 1950 and with something like 12,000,000 sold, any argument against them is nonsense at best.
It breaks my heart to see what the company has gone through over the years. It's what happens when investors and accountants call the shots and operations folks are forced to take a back seat. Throw in the politics of a Sandy Hook and it's a total 💩 show.
Today I shoot crazy expense o/u's competitively, but give me an 870 and throw a target in the air and I'll still kick ass with it 😊 1 like
angrygingertx I got a free one a buddy bought a few years ago. It rusted instantly and he threw it in a garbage can in a fit of rage. I fixed it up and turned it into a 14" barrel SBS. 1 like
lone__renegade Wait..is owl shit greased? And how do you know that?? Gross dude 😂😂
mlt2671 Send it to Vang Comp and have them make it slicker!!
pixelsbygab I heard a youngster say shotguns for HD are a boomer thing and to get a handgun caliber carbine....😂😂😂 shotgun tried and true 2 likes
reagan.porsches.and.guns I have one in 20ga. Everyone needs this shotgun!
johnrwalsh0311 Nice 1 like
pawpawlammy Greased oil shit is now my new benchmark!!!
sotexwhiskeyguy My first and only shotgun is an 870 Express Magnum. It's a real work horse.
hobbit0717 Those 870s will last forever, like a cockroach.