... Did I miss a step ?!?! Am I supposed to be paying "influencers" to do my shooting ? Where's the fun in that ? ML
421 likesgunream I'll be your hunk of berries.
the_clint_walker Commence butthurt.
beejisphilbin Did someone say free Larue stuff?! 1 like
beefychuck Shoot, I heard about you from real shooters like my father and others who I actually know personally speaking so highly of your company/products. That's all the "influence" I need @laruetactical
jimmy_oca3 What is an influencer???? 🤷
  -  lkcrome @jimmy_oca3 an influencer specifically would be Dan the rifleman in the Larue sales dept when he keeps asking at the end of your order if there is anything else he can get you or help you with your selection! Oh he's goooood... 1 like
jsmith_409 You don't need influencers when you build the best. 1 like
freakinout You can always send me more free barrels they shoot straight
  -  laruetactical @freakinout ... If it wasn't for Isaac Newton's pesky gravity, my barrels would shoot nearly straight in space ... 🤷 4 likes
  -  g__jerome @laruetactical *Seinfeld voice* "Newton..!"
waylon.grainger.f Looks to me like he's trying to say the opposite
chevy_blackbear I found you by looking for a non magpul stock and liked what i saw
matta2662 I just need your pool Mark. I'm simple.
macfam_1996 Quality doesn't need a social influencer. Just keep doing it the right way, like you always have. 4 likes
  -  laruetactical @dvcasey03 ... Youtubers ? Did I miss another step ??
  -  laruetactical @dvcasey03 ... "zero five whisky, what are your intentions ?"
  -  laruetactical @dvcasey03 ... I see you solo'd ... lean it to it and get that checkride behind you before it gets into the heat of summer.
lmorgan97 😂
lkcrome 👍
capablegentleman LARUE is 💯💯💯 and reputation trumps all influencers.
ajflores3d Pro-tip: Send your competition's gear to tacticool influencers and have them post videos of their shite shooting
deuce77554 I've carried LaRue products for years. My cantilever aimpoint mount has survived 13 years of getting banged around in a patrol car trunk, including a few vehicle accidents, and never once lost zero, even when removed for cleaning regularly. I trust my life to LaRue. - There. Better than some 'ran it for a day on the range' influencer post. 1 like
ozzy.david @izzyeatstacos this is what I was talking about in the @theguncollective post 1 like
  -  theguncollective @ozzy.david where was your comment? I can't find it. I want to be in the loop lol. 1 like
  -  ozzy.david @theguncollective ill tag you
pastorbrianf @laruetactical you're doing it right when you have not one, not two, but and army of influencers WHO PAY YOU for the privilege of handling your product. Keep up the great work! If you want to shoot true, only LaRue.
shane072002 I thought Dillo Dust was our payment? 😂
mikatosoul No influencer, but I vouch for your MBT-2S triggers anytime some one asks for trigger or build advice. Keep making awesome stuff. 🔥🔥🔥
saylor I have 38 followers. Send me some free stuff and I can help increase you success on Instagram. #makeitrain
guest_river_media I hear of that a lot. We shoot images for companies and return products, upon request, but don't take payment. Not sure how companies could afford to give products out like that and a portion of the sales.
  -  deandalapanda @guest_river_media he's an idiot... lol nobody gives out free stuff unless it's a big box company... even then... they would only give out small stuff... like garandthumb... how many times has he received a firearm from Palmetto Armory to just test... not for free but to return back in the end? The only free stuff they send him is just the ammo to use 🤷
  -  axeonoptics @guest_river_media it's usually in the form of a discount code that the influencer gives out to their audience. It's about the only way to track whether or not they did anything for the business. 1 like
  -  guest_river_media @axeonoptics copy that. Hadn't seen that before, but, seems like a good option. 1 like
  -  axeonoptics @guest_river_media and there's more of a role for using influencers in retail type items. Larue, Badger Ordnance etc make top shelf gear that doesn't need good old fashioned t and a to sell. It's legit and everyone knows it. 2 likes
  -  guest_river_media @axeonoptics I'm all for classy images. Call me old school, I think the products should speak for themselves. 1 like
  -  axeonoptics @guest_river_media I know what ya mean. Y'all do really well in that regard. Love all your content! ✊ 1 like
  -  guest_river_media @axeonoptics I appreciate that! 1 like
  -  axeonoptics @guest_river_media lol- forgot that I follow you on my other channel! 🤣 1 like
  -  guest_river_media @axeonoptics what channel? I just followed you guys. Great page!
  -  lkcrome @axeonoptics although to be fair, T & A has it's place... 30/40 years ago I felt like I had to chase it out west from the Mississippi to the western slopes of the Rockies. Thank goodness I got old and tired! 2 likes
  -  axeonoptics @lkcrome 🤣 1 like
r.j.cogburn I push larue shit pro bono. u s 4 likes
  -  lkcrome @r.j.cogburn yup, let my buddy in Oregon play with one of my TOBR's, he now owns it, is a tobr snob, formerly a noveske and lrmc believer as well as a formerly confirmed 300.00 g-word trigger guy. No more, he's seen the light. 1 like
kevinmichael_67 Sign me up
sumziandi "Influencers" feel entitled to your Rearden Steel 🙂 2 likes
  -  deandalapanda @sumziandi shoooot I'd be happy just with a new ball cap lol or their Nalgene Bottle. Think it's time for another barrel order 🙃 1 like
  -  deuce77554 @sumziandi Not many who will get that reference $ 1 like
jonnyrcia307 😂🤣😂 Who is that clown🤦
je_sc 🤪🤣🙃 he must be the king of the tactifools
munkyseven I wish my rail was here already...............
sparky.2036 You're supposed to pay "influencers" to post pictures of themselves posing like they're shooting while forgetting to remove the chamber flag, focusing more on their ass than the gun, so they can get free shit from you while promoting their organic keto friendly all natural vegan dog food supplement because it's just so hard for them to wake up before noon and have a real job..... 1 like
  -  sparky.2036 @dvcasey03 exactly
2ndvette Nah, you should spread the love to us local folks to take the burden off you. Hey, it sounded good.