Saturday Symmetry ...
750 likesjoseph.tutt.4570 You know I have always been curious about your barrel change systems and different uppers was also wondering if you will ever have a 6 arc barrel?
  -  laruetactical @joseph.tutt.4570 ... There's a 6ARC reamer and ammo here ... remind me the preferred twist. 4 likes
  -  cuatro_king4 @laruetactical 1-7.5 I believe 1 like
  -  reidaverill @laruetactical 3 groove 1:7
  -  laruetactical @cuatro_king4 ... We can't "think" ... we gotta "know". 4 likes
  -  whatarewedo1ng @laruetactical why are you asking questions that you already know the answer to? 😉
  -  thecodystone @laruetactical if you make an arc, I want dibs right now.
  -  laruetactical @_cars_be_broke_ ... I got two different answers already 😎 1 like
  -  guardianfirearmco @laruetactical it will probably come before the Siete.....
  -  reidaverill @laruetactical at least they were close
  -  cuatro_king4 @laruetactical it is 1-7.5 twist rate
joseph.tutt.4570 1 in 7 for I believe
joseph.tutt.4570 Forgive the bad English me and my phone have a love hate relationship
kevinmichael_67 What's up with the sold out small frame UU kits? Stopping orders to catch up? 1 like
  -  laruetactical @gt500kevin ... Yeppers. 1 like
  -  peter.noowin @laruetactical why aren't the large frames also paused? 1 like
  -  day.man0 @peter.noowin the back order is only 10 months so far. I was a different person when I ordered my 7.62 UU 😂 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @day.man0 ... Let me guess, you quit shooting and are now into SaltWater aquariums 1 like
  -  day.man0 @laruetactical 😂😂 Nope! I started following the "pitch drop" experiment instead(look it up). We'll see which happens sooner 😂. Just yanking your chain. I don't mind waiting for something special, but I had no idea just how long a wait I was in for when getting into this. Since I ordered the UU kit I have ordered and received several other things from your shop and I couldn't be happier with the triggers/grips/stocks that I have. I expect the same experience from the rifle once it's built. One of these days I'll pull the trigger on LaRue QD mount(s)for my ACOGs. I work in quality so I know, you don't rush quality!
bunkrmonkey please finish the SUURG kits 2 likes
  -  ruckingrandy @bunkrmonkey waiting for mine as well! 1 like
duckhnt I got all excited and thought this was one of those special sandbox uppers.... But then I saw its "wings".... tOBR Teaser 1 like
attckcopter You guys doing a take down upper?
  -  realmda13 @attckcopter they've been available on the website for like 10 years.
  -  attckcopter @realmda13 this upper with the latches? Where?
  -  realmda13 @attckcopter predatOBR. Comes in 556 and 762 flavors!
  -  attckcopter @realmda13 that's not the same thing. Doesn't have the latches either.
  -  attckcopter @realmda13 found it thank you!
infinitejoker Symmetry matters!