... I forgot to add this to that bughole post yesterday. It's a 0.700" 10-shot group out of the same 16" 5.56 PredatOBR, 77 grain FGMM, NightForce, LaRue this-and-that, etc. I had it going good, but then I choked. Meh, I'll take it. u s ML
428 likesjjfitter6176 I can do that, with some buckshot...😳
jointdocshields Impressive
saylor @laruetactical the gun Karen's are up early today.
  -  laruetactical @saylor ... The damndest thing, that whole exchange disappeared on me. 🤷 1 like
  -  the_dusty_scooch @laruetactical did you delete it or did he? 1 like
  -  laruetactical @the_dusty_scooch ... I didn't delete it. 2 likes
  -  the_dusty_scooch @laruetactical I didn't figure so but I thought I'd ask. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @the_dusty_scooch ... It was just starting to get fun. One minute you're in an online shootout with a Cancel Culture hit squad, next minute you're on Mars, trying to chase down the Rover, hoping it has an emergency oxygen canister onboard. 🤷 7 likes
  -  the_dusty_scooch @laruetactical what an adventure fueled day you're already having!😂 1 like
  -  laruetactical @the_dusty_scooch ... I played a mean game of handball back in my youth, and yeah, racketball and bad mitten are for pussies. My style ain't for everyone, and I do enjoy toying with those it ain't. 🤓 3 likes
icecoldmn Mark,is the 77 grain fgmm all you test with or are there other top performers?
  -  laruetactical @icecoldmn ... 69, and that's not a Freudian slip 2 likes
  -  hobbs_tactical @laruetactical Nice
  -  j_ricker10 @laruetactical nice
  -  shitpostinginshambles @j_ricker10 nice
eadie.steve Good to see the Tobr's still shooting like this. That one shoots almost exactly like mine does even after all these years.
billsnearly Need to lay off the caffeine. 😃
  -  laruetactical @billsnearly ... ☕☕☕
lazaruslarue where can i get a ruler like that? 1 like
house_moose_knuckle I must obtain a Larue scale...how do I make this happen???
  -  laruetactical @house_moose_knuckle ... First, you must describe it correctly. A "scale" is found on a map 1 inch = 50 miles, etc., aka "representative" measurement. A ruler is "actual" measurement ... 1" = 1" ... ML 1 like
  -  house_moose_knuckle @laruetactical my apologies, 6 inch flexible ruler.
  -  laruetactical @house_moose_knuckle ... One day I'm going to leave this to the young kids and kick open the doors to my machining school and then all hell's gonna break loose. Sonsabitches coming out of my machining class will never forget me 💯 1 like
motox505 Shit. I can do that... with a shotgun.